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Коли навчився їздити на велосипеді, пане?

Та вже у нормальному такому віці шкільному. Бо до того то лінь заважала, то певно страх. Та і не було особливо кому навчити, бо всі були зайняті. Аж якось гостював двоюрідний брат,😎 і роз'яснив як тримати баланс. Я так, я сяк, трішки помучав той велосипед і поїхав!💪🚴 От що завжди пам'ятаю то в років сімнадцять, коли на вихідний повернувсь з навчання, осінь, сонячно, вечоріє. Котися ти на тому велосипеді, ноги рухаються, таз йорзається, аж збуджує. Картинки ділянок, огородин, гарбузів. Листя яке червоне і жовте. Трішки чутно дим. Але так, дуже вміру, не придовбатись... Осіння краса, і я такий спортивний, юний велосипедист. Ех!😈 Так ось, прикольно було. Хотів би притулить сюди картинку з нестерпних прибульців, (Urusei Yatsura 80s) а саме Space taxi draver. Він там типу котив ролер по небу. Але щось я той момент ніяк не знайду. Може то з іншого аніме? Хто його знає. А ще я пробував проїхати лісову частину від села🏘️ до столиці🏰в ті ж десь роки. Але за пару годин вирішив повернути, перепочивши під якимсь старим дубом.💚🌳 Бо лісова дорога то трішки не та дорога по якій довго виїдеш. Особливо коли вгору вниз, і багато на шляху піщаної земельки.. Я тому і радий, бо шлях би зайняв до вечора. 🤪 Тай таке.

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Men in the 70s and 80s looked oddly fruity, even the heterosexuals. This the same generation of men that now complain about younger men not being masculine enough

Mens clothing went more towards women in the 2000s. men in the 80s wore short shorts, high socks and crop tops. Women are credited on the high waist though i don't think men wore those

If you've been to a convention of any kind, what did you think of it? 📚🎮🦸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My favourite band has a 4 night convention at Centre Parcs in the Netherlands every two years (extended to 5 nights next year). They completely take it over and every house/apartment is filled with fans, with the band's music playing in the bars and on the TVs, three full gigs with a different setlist each night, loads of support acts in the evenings and afternoons, quizzes, Q&As, autograph sessions etc. The band and their families stay on site too, so you meet them in the bars, in the shops, in the pool, in the restaurants etc. About 3500 people go, and if you're on your own or can't fill an apartment yourself (and want to avoid a single occupancy supplement) then they will match you up with similar people to share (nationality, gender, age, non-smokers etc). I always used to go on my own and made loads of new friends that way, but now I book a large house with a group of friends who I met previously. Everyone is very friendly and excited and approachable and there's a real buzz about the place, but you can still escape to the beach or the pool or the next-door nature reserve (on the free hire bikes) if you need some space. The normal age demographic of the fans is fairly old (50+, it's an 80's prog rock band), but a lot of people take their whole families, so in practice there's actually quite a good age range there and it's a family friendly event.

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Are pregnancy photoshoots still in? I know they were big in the 80s, 90s and the 2000s, but none of my friends who gave birth in the recent years had them. I mean not professionally at least, just basic pics w/ their phones. Have you had one too?

Maternity shoots? Yeah I know several women who had those done. I was a teen mom & didn't have a support system, nope🤷🏻‍♀️ There's really only a handful of pictures of me pregnant that aren't selfies but there are 2 that were meant to be like a mini diy photoshoot. I can't post one of them bc the dad is in it & that's the baby I gave up anyway but here's the second one. 2017 I was pregnant with my youngest daughter🥹
Are pregnancy photoshoots still in I know they were big in the 80s 90s and the

What are the 80s and 90s consoles that you owned? And are you a fan of retro gaming?

Nintendo, Super Nintendo, N64, Sega Genesis, Gameboy, Sega Game Gear. Many of the old games are available on Switch with my subscription. Yes, I prefer older games. Sometimes I cannot believe how simple some of the new ones are. It makes it kinda boring but at least I don’t get angited. 🤣

Would you rather take care of someone or be taken care of?

Its weird that 80s babies children are adults, Lisa's daughter is almost 20, Jen's daughter @ItsTiffyTime is nearing 18, (she doesn't want her age aired) but yeah its crazy how all you ladies are growing up and hopefully you actually work.
Liked by: Cheyenne Lisa Georgie

First computer you ever used as a kid? For me… At home we had a HP Pavilion desktop with 256 MB RAM, 30 gigabyte HDD, with a Zip 250 drive and a 600 MHz Pentium 3 processor… recall it ran 98SE. At school we used a combination of Macs until the school system got Pentium 4 Dell Optiplexes in 2004.

amckeever’s Profile PhotoAlex McKeever
One like this but it wasn’t the 80s. Well that’s the first I owned myself. At school we had an even older Apple I think.
First computer you ever used as a kid For me At home we had a HP Pavilion

It's so cringe when young people on TikTok decorate their rooms 80s style but they didn't even live back then. Neither did I and I like the 80s style, but I can't claim it, it's not mine.

It's also cringe that you felt the need to write a shoutout about it on ask.fm and then send it out instead of just moving on
Liked by: Reachel♥️ sophie

Ktorá dekáda je vaša obľúbená (60s, 70s, 80s, 90s,2000s, 2010s..)? Myslím filmy, hudba, móda, celkovo. Za mňa jednoznačne 2000s

meshty95’s Profile PhotoM€$HT¥
úplne že celkovo.... 80s-90s sú veru naj... módou by som ale tiež išiel o niečo ďalej .. ak mám vybrať jednou obdobie, volím 90te roky

Holis♥. Hoy, quiero saber: ¿qué tipo de música te gusta? ¿cuál es tu banda/cantante favorito? ¿tu canción favorita? Mucho amorcito de:

MaggaGimenez’s Profile PhotoMmmmmci.
Disfruto en demasía Rock y Metal a cualquier momento y a cualquier hora. Y una de esas bandas sería Pantera, ella significa todo para mí. No sólo cambiaron el sonido del metal sino que lo llevaron a otro nivel, materializando su potencial en los noventa. Siendo que la banda se formó temprano en los 80's por los hermanos Dimebag Darrell y Vinnie Paul, su estilo en esa década pasó por géneros de thrash metal e incluso hair metal grabando tres trabajos sin mucho éxito, pero con el ingreso de dos nuevos integrantes, siendo Phil Anselmo en la voz en 1987 junto a Rex Brown en el bajo, que ya estaba en la alineación. En 1990, la banda rápidamente se convirtió en líder de la nueva escuela del metal. Fue un momento reconfortante para los seguidores del metal pesado tras el escuchar una combinación de otro mundo; un sonido potente, profundo, hipnótico, de los riffs intensos, la batería compacta, la voz atrapante desgarrante y la producción impecable, envuelto en ciertas melodías totalmente llamativas, atrapantes. Dejaré mi top. 01. Walk. 02. This love. 03. I'm broken 04. 5 Minutes alone. 05. Primal concrete sledge. 06. Psycho holiday.

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How were some parents not worried about their kids running wild outside in the 80s and 90s without cell phones for communication and to know about their whereabouts

I don't know why they weren't as worried but at least in my personal case they really were not worried. at all. We played in the swamp, we rode our bikes 8 miles away to go to the "good" library, we played in the woods, we ran around everyone's yards like we owned the place

If someone is constantly being disrespectful, it should be legal and socially acceptable to whoop their a**, You talk sh*t, you get hit, like people in the 80s and 90s did. One should learn some respect.

Imagine thinking violence is something we should not only allow but actually endorse, way to just admit you can't handle your own sh*t with your brain so you use your fists instead

Welchen Charaktersong würdest du deinem demigod verpassen? 🎵🎧🎤

somewhatunpretentious’s Profile PhotoHitchhiker
Heute kopiere ich scharmlos die Idee von @sol_koroleva und mach eine 80s Playlist :D
Have you ever seen the rain von Creedence Clearwater Revival - war der Song den ich gehört habe, als ich Paula die Mail bezüglich Ray geschrieben habe (wo er noch offiziell Dave hieß haha)
Juke Box Hero von Foreigner - Ein Mal weil die Juke Box natürlich thematisch gut zu einem Sohn von Apollo passt und auch weil ich Foreigner letztes Jahr live hören durfte. Zudem hat Musik in seinem Leben eine recht wichtige Rolle. Ray ist musikalisch begabt und mochte es als Kind mit seiner Mum Musik zu hören und zu tanzen. Er hält auch heute noch ihren alten Sony Walkman in Ehren.
San Francisco (Be sure to wear flowers in your hair) von Scott McKenzie, da das der Lieblingssong seiner Mum war. (Menschen die mich gut kennen, wissen auch noch wieso der Song hier ist :D)
Material Girl von Madonna - Er hat einen Crush auf Madonna und liebt ihre Musik, ich sags wie es is. Das Camp hört auch _sehr_ gerne die Madonna Greatest Hits, wenn er laut unter Dusche trällert
Total Eclipse of the Heart von Bonnie Tyler - Verstehste, Eclipse und Apollo und Sonne und ja Tanz der Vampire Classic, es ist einfach ein Banger
Spirits in the Sky von Norman Greenbaum - Erinnert ihn an seine Familie
Cherry Bomb von the Runawys - Ray kann sich gut mit dem Song identifizieren, Rebellious I hate my Dad Phase und so
Extra Song:
Lord of the Boards von Guano Apes - Ist zwar aus den 90ern, aber ein absoluter Lieblingssong von meinem Dad. Als die ersten E-Mail Konten aktiviert wurden, zu den anfängen des Internets, hat er sich direkt die E-Mail-Adresse mit dem Songtitel geschnappt, die er auch noch heute verwendet lol

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Welchen Charaktersong würdest du deinem demigod verpassen? 🎵🎧🎤

somewhatunpretentious’s Profile PhotoHitchhiker
Ich mache es mal wie Hanna mit Heath und rede gleich über die Playlist, statt nur einem Lied 😂 Das eine perfekte Lied habe ich tatsächlich noch nicht gefunden.
Ich wollte für Sables Playlist nicht nur Lieder, die zu ihr passen, sondern die sie auch selbst hätte kennen können. Darum habe ich vor allem 80s radio bops und tbh, Sable ist auch ein waschechter 80s teenie, also passt das 😂
I‘m Coming Out von Diana Ross und Hit Me With Your Best Shot von Pat Benatar teilen sich momentan den ersten Platz, was Sable vibes angeht.
Tell It to My Heart von Taylor Dayne ist das Lieblingslied von ihr und ihren Freundinnen im Camp; dazu gibts Tanzparties in der Aphrodite-Hütte 😂
Cruel Summer von Bananarama ist der Soundtrack zu Sables Sommer 1990 lol
Und Bonus: Young Adult Sable hätte ne schlimme Fiona Apple Phase in den 1990ern 😂

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Das waren alle Usernamen, die ich gefunden habe 🙈 wenn ich jemanden vergessen habe, tut es mir sehr leid! Habt ihr Lust, ein Moodboard von euren Götterfunken-OCs zu teilen? Und optional noch ein paar random facts? ☺️

vanillekaffee’s Profile Photovanillekaffee
Ahhhhhh, Girl, du glaubst nicht wie ich mich über die Frage gefreut habe! 🥹💕 Ich liebe Moodboards, ich könnte Stunden damit verbringen und verrückt werden, weil ich nie zufrieden bin. 😂 So wirklich zufrieden bin ich mit Erins Moodboard auch nicht, aber bevor ich am Ende alles umwerfe, poste ich es lieber. Und natürlich darf es auch an Fun Facts nicht fehlen. 😁
seit ihrem elften Lebensjahr wird Erin eigentlich immer und überall von ihren drei ‘Dobermännern’ begleitet. Ursprünglich zu ihrem Schutz gedacht, kann Erin sich ein Leben ohne die drei Hunde kaum vorstellen. Benannt hat sie sie nach Helden der TV Shows, die ihr Dad gerne schaut: Theodorus Kojak, Frank Columbo und Jessica Fletcher.
sie benutzt das Parfüm Poison von Dior, was aber großteils in dem Duft nach Zeder und Minze untergeht.
Erin hat eine überraschend hohe Schärfetoleranz und versteht ein paar Brocken Kantonesisch – allerdings nur gesprochen, nicht geschrieben.
wann immer sie an einer Bodega vorbeikommt und es sich leisten kann, holt Erin sich ein Chopped Cheese Sandwich. Sie ist generell mehr der salzige Snacker, und der Mix aus Hackfleisch, Zwiebeln, Käse, Gewürzen und frischem Salat und Tomaten ist einfach unvergleichbar lecker.
Ihre derzeitige Lieblingsband ist The Cure, weil die mir bei 80s Teens ständig angezeigt wurden. 😂 Ganz sicher nicht, weil die auch eine meiner Lieblingsbands sind, nein, nein. Es passt allerdings zum Kleidungsstil der meisten Bilder vom FC, also hey, win win?
und ein letzter kleiner Fun Fact, wenn auch eher zu mir als zu Erin:
Ich habe das Haus von Francis und Erin auf einer Website entdeckt, die Bilder bereitstellt von Häusern in New York im Jahr 1940 und im Jahr 1980. Nachdem ich das Haus dann auf Google Maps gefunden habe, wurde es mir außerdem auf Zillow angezeigt, denn es steht heute für schlappe 800k zum Verkauf. Leider gib es keinen Grundriss, aber aus Jux und Tollerei habe ich es bei Sims 4 nachgebaut, und dang, es ist winzig geworden. 😂 Das passt aber sehr zu den Lebensverhältnissen, die ich Francis (und dadurch auch Erin) angedacht hatte.

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Das waren alle Usernamen die ich gefunden habe  wenn ich jemanden vergessen habe

What's the youngest AND the oldest you'd date and how old are you? I'm 29, and, personally, I can't see myself dating someone whose brain hasn't even fully developed yet so I wouldn't date someone younger than 25, and the oldest I'd date is 40.

Some mature with age some never do some are mature from young age some are over 50 still act like a child so can't judge with age unfortunately but yeah I wouldn't date underage or date oap reaching there 80s in my opinion and I'm 36

90s kids, meaning those born in the late 80s to mid-90s, had the best childhood. We experienced a classic, internet-free childhood while still enjoying the technological advancements that happened during that time. Do you agree?

No, I think the 90's was great for a small portion of people but for anyone who was different it was a horrible time. Discrimination and bullying were rampant and nobody gave a damn, there was little to no recognition or support for neurodiversity or mental health, our society raised its children in such toxic ways and mindsets that most people from that era are now having to try to unlearn and heal from their childhoods. And the ones who aren't trying to unlearn it are just continuing the cycles that their children will need to recover from when they grow up.

Do you watch any movies during the Christmas season? You have any favorites? 🎄📺

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Have been. We watched some old YouTube video recorded thing from the early 80s with old commercials and the typical old kids Christmas shows like Rudolph and Frosty. The cats wanted to see it and I like old commercials. And when I’ve been alone I’ve put on some stuff that I didn’t pay attention to from Netflix in the background. There was one with an alien. My favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone Lost in New York and All I Want for Christmas (little known, also set in NYC.) Those may be part of why I became so drawn to NYC.
Liked by: gahldesign Tobbe

Do you think that nowadays there are too many unnecessary things for babies? Like 'smart' baby monitors, 'smart' cribs and bassinets, wearable monitors, 'smart' diapers, health tracking apps, etc.? We didn't have all these high-tech things in the '80s and '90s, and our mothers did just fine without

"our mothers did just fine" but actually lots of things got missed, we didn't know as much, risk was higher, lots of problems occurred that might have been avoided had they had our new tech. now we have ways to get more information and keep our babies a bit safer, why shouldn't we?

https://ask.fm/Jessy1220/answers/174794340772 - Your mum obviously knows her stuff as well as many others do, 1980s music was excellent 😻 Who were your mum's favourite artists from the '80s? 🤔 Hall & Oates? 👀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh1mhJXVIkw 😌

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
She liked so many 😅 too many to mention. Bands like Duran Duran, spandau ballet spring to mind but there’s so many more but I’m not going to ask her and get her started on them 😅

https://ask.fm/Jessy1220/answers/174794130084 - Okay, have something more modern instead 🤪 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs2M_eun7Rw 🎶

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Hits from the 80? Modern you said 😅 luckily enough I was raised with 80s music, my mom said best music ever made was in the 80s 😂

Would you have an 80s hairstyle (with the perm)?

I actually have wanted a perm real bad at times. I loveee curly hair. My hair is naturally pin straight, so I tend to curl it often which takes awhile.
However I bleach and colour my hair. I hear perms are very damaging to the hair and best got healthy untouched hair. So considering mine is already damaged a lil from bleach, I wouldn't wanna risk it falling out with a perm hehe.

did 90s kids grow up with the landline phone as the main form of communication?

A bit of both . . .
how fast do they grow - 'up' ?
All 3 of my 'kids' were born in the 2nd half of the 80's ; by the time they started high school they and most of their friends all had 2G mobiles soon replaced by 3G ~ by 2003
1992 ~
did 90s kids grow up with the landline phone as the main form of communication

Why do you think that law is responsible for reducing teen pregnancy? It's been dropping around the whole country for 30+ years and except for a tick up in the late 80's, has been steadily going down since the mid 50's. TN is still 7th highest in the nation and their rank didn't change post-law.

I think the law is responsible because a lot of the data reviews started in 2013 & 4 articles said it was because of the law because the law forced health education courses for all schools. I literally looked up stats and charts showing that it has dropped. Doesn’t mean its great but it has dropped
Why do you think that law is responsible for reducing teen pregnancy Its been

1) > (anon) when i was in middle school in the 2000s, our teacher used to play 80s music for us, and we would laugh, thinking our teacher was so old and outdated - Strange. My friends and I had very similar experiences but we took advantage of opportunities to discover artists from earlier times.

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
You seem to have had cooler parents than some of us though. I’m the one that ended up broadening my mother’s music taste. As a teen, she started asking for me to send a couple cds with her each day to work.
Liked by: Jens❤️

When I was in middle school in the 2000s, our teacher used to play 80s music for us, and we would laugh, thinking our teacher was so old and outdated. Do you think 11-year-olds today would feel the same if I played 2000s music for them?🥴

Yes & no ; a lot of tik tok/reels/commercials still use old 2000s songs & I have even heard like artists nowadays use a lot of samples from the 2000s

What genres and styles of music did your parents/guardians listen to when you were growing up? How much of an influence do you feel it had on your current music taste? 😌🎧🎶

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
They listen to 70s and 80s or classical. I actually think it’s given me an appreciation of lots of different types of music but I’m not a big music person like my brother

Do you know Selena Quintanilla-Pérez? I know she was extremely popular in the 80s and 90s especially in the Latino community, there wasn't much Latino representation in the mainstream media back then. She's still considered an icon in the Latino community.

I didn’t know who she was until the movie was made but I really loved it. I remember I went to see it in the theater with a friend in middle school. It was the first time I ever felt proud of my Mexican heritage, especially seeing my white friend enjoy it too. It’s the first time I ever saw that part of me being represented. A few years later when I started writing to pen pals in prison (that started by mistake- the prison part) I ended up writing to someone that was one of her body guards or something like that. He sent me a physical film photograph of him with her. I really met some interesting people in the pen pal days.

How did people in the 80s and 90s live without cell phones and internet? How did they communicate?

They had landline telephones, walkie talkies and they met up at each other’s homes or at other places.
In the 80s and 90s you already had the ability to send emails and in the late 80s and early 90s the internet rose.
But lots of people either called each other or they met up.
How did people in the 80s and 90s live without cell phones and internet How did

How did people in the 80s and 90s live without cell phones and internet? How did they communicate?

I was born in the 90s so I can't speak for the 80s. I didn't get my first phone till like 2001 and it was a hand me down ha with an antenna. All it could do was text and had snake on it. So I'd text my friends. But before that I'd just call my friends on the landline.
I also had pen pals I'd write to.
Liked by: Doug Jigsaw Rokeia

Какие ТВ каналы вы любили смотреть?

irinachgk’s Profile PhotoИрина Гриценко
Доброго времени суток, Ирина🙃 Будучи маленьким, я любил смотреть (внезапно), ОРТ (нынешний первый канал), НТВ и СТС (тогда он назывался ещё шестым каналом). Первый не в последнюю очередь из - за показа классических Диснеевских мультиков, "прогулок с динозаврами", документальных фильмов о природе и много ещё чего интересного; НТВ запомнился тем, что там часто показывали интересные фильмы (даже "матрицу" показывали каждые две недели начиная с 2004 - го), а раннее там были довольно классные сериалы вроде "Горец", "Конан" и даже "смертельная битва". А по СТС тогдашнему было множество всяких классных мультсериалов (включая, "Трансформеров"). Но самый лучше в этом плане был, конечно, Fox Kids (позднее, Jetix) c легендарными сериалами "Люди Икс", "Человек - Паук (который и по НТВ также транслировали начиная с 1996 - го года), "бешеный Джек пират" и многими другими. А сейчас предпочитаю больше музыкальные каналы вроде Vevo 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, xite rock, live music replay, vevo country и все четыре канала от BBC (BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, BBC Four). Ну и Stingray Iconcerts иногда посматриваю (такой поток концертов исполнителей разных жанров меня даже успокаивает; да и работе никак не мешает).

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