
Sheona Burns

Latest answers from Sheona Burns

Does what they say about your zodiacal sign generally match your personality?

Yes, but only because star signs/horoscopes match to everyone. We are biased to think otherwise. There is NO evidence to suggest (not even a shred) that persons born in January, let’s say, have more dominant traits then someone

Why do people kill each other?

People kill fellow humans because of rage, greed, fear, cowardice and sometimes, empathy and kindness.

do you open up for people first or ??

Almost always. Opening up (assuming your motive is to deepen a relationship) creates intimacy and expedites closeness. If it’s a person you trust and want to invest in, of course open up first. If you’re questioning whether or not you trust someone enough to open up to them first...that’s a different story that would warrant a much different response.

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