
What Dust?

Ask @Neo_gs

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The deep web isn't necessarily gore or disturbing stuff. Some of it information about governments, the paranormal, banned books and movies, cool forums ect. I am not into violence or gore myself so I don't want to go there for that.

I'd be worried about a bigger risk for receiving a virus or malware from sites like those.

I hope all of you have a great Thursday!! Stay awesome. <3 <3

My Thursday was pretty good. I made it to an exercise class...one that I skipped on mon and wed.
Liked by: Thomas

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So I had a lot of fun today. I wore latex and fetish ballet pumps and crazy 8 inch heels. I've never felt as sexy as I did in that latex dress because it made my boobs look really great…

AspiringHousewife’s Profile Photoтeмple
Unless there is a pic of it (face blurred if desired), it didn't happen
Liked by: Integration20

Has anyone ever been on tor and visited the deep web? I want to look on it but I'm scared I will see something disturbing like someone's head being cut off or child porn or something else really nasty.

I only did a mild search on google for the deep web but didn't want to enter the world of torrents.
Liked by: Integration20

What do you think is the new online trend right now?

Of all things happening in my life, this is the least important. In fact, I'm more interested in what color underpants I'll wear tomorrow.

is anyone else both a night owl and a morning person? i prefer to siesta through the afternoon when possible. what about you? have these preferences changed over the years? regardless of what you label yourself, how many of these are you guilty of? http://www.buzzfeed.com/lukebailey/theres-neve

I don't like early morning or late night. Also enjoy an afternoon nap. So, I'm looking at maybe 5.3 waking hours.
Even if I stay up late it doesn't mean I'll sleep in.

Hey! What qualities do you think a girlfriend for me should have?

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
This is really difficult to say without having met you. The physical appeal is subjective and only you can determine that. It would probably be good if she were outgoing. I suspect you have an introverted and quiet personality. An outgoing woman would bring you out your inner man.
Liked by: Thomas

Hey! Why won't anyone ask me some fun questions? When did everyone in GWS become so bland and boring? How can we spice this place up a little?

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Nude selfies from all the pretty ladies
Liked by: Thomas

How many kids do you plan on having? At which age are you getting married? How desperate are your parents for grand-kids? Is life passing us by?

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Don't know. I think my time as passed for that.
Liked by: Thomas

Hey! If anyone wants me to write stories about them and post them on gwsaddicts.com, send in applications!

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Write about me saving a damsel in distress.
Liked by: Thomas

Over 490,000 years ago, aliens landed and left us with blueprints for constructing the original buttplug.

So who is this? Ben?
Liked by: Thomas

Holy shit! I was liking people answers and the site said "Slow down, too many "Likes". This function has been temporarily blocked for you.", this is a first. Has this happened to you?

I have not exploded into a "like orgasm," thus haven't reached that limit. Now I'm curious how much liking I have to do to reach climax...
Liked by: Thomas

If you could ask me one question that I HAD to answer, what would it be?

What is your bank account and routing number?
Liked by: Thomas


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