Ask @Neo_gs

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What is your favorite restaurant you've ever eaten at?

ColonelReb’s Profile PhotoBuster
There is a great pub where I used to live. Some of their specialty items were as good as fine dining restaurants. Their fancy burgers were pretty awesome. One would not think pub food from a dive bar could be so darn tasty.
Liked by: hXc1g Buster

If I could give you one piece of advice, what would it be?

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
When you see the price of silver rallying? I'm not sure what to do with my investment in SLV. Hold it or sell and buy another commodity?

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Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

I'd say it would be go to a pub the evening before holiday, but then the pubs would be full of "amateurs." Those who can't drink responsibly, are loud, cause trouble, or stand in a pathway to the bathroom.

What do you believe in?

"Well, I believe in the soul... the c***...the p****... the small of a woman's back... the hangin' curveball... high fiber... good scotch... that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent overrated crap... I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a Constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft core p*****graphy, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. Goodnight."

Everyone thinks this is so gross, but I love squid and it's texture. It's soo chewy, I like feeling the little leg bumps on my tongue. Sooo good plain and with lemon & salt, or spicy and with lemon. I eat it in front of others and they're always like "Omf, eww what are you doing" LOL

Octopus is good too. A greek place would have octopus salad. They moved locations and stopped serving it.
Liked by: Bean

have you seen lindt bars here in the US? I know we get those round candy types which are 😒. I got those in EU and they're so amazing. Never seen them here.

I think I have.

Whats up with the tumblr breed of feminism? I swear, I forget about my account for a few months, come back and they're still bishing about some pic of a hot model or something some celebrity said. Suck a good D and calm down or something please.

That's their main problem. They are so bitter and angry that no man wants to give them the D. Even the ones who aren't fat and unattractive still aren't going to get the D. They also realize the P is not a good substitute

Q2-What are you the best at making? (I don't mean babies 😁). We're still talking food.

Beef Stew.
Or a grilled steak

Q4-Do you agree that European chocolate is better than American chocolate?

Yes. Especially the British chocolate.
Q4Do you agree that European chocolate is better than American chocolate

Q5(final question)-Who is the best cook you know? Bonus Question- What did you learn from them wrt cooking?

A chef I met at a Chef school. Though he most likely supervised the students. If the food reflected his personal touch, then he is very good. I only interacted with him a couple times.

Okay, random question, but has anyone here tried dying fabric? I need to try to dye some curtains and I'd just like to hear if anyone has experience in it, and any advice.

I dyed a white fabric belt to yellow. I just bought a box of Rit dye and followed the directions. I turned out ok. If you are going to dye something colored, I'm not sure how that will turn out. It is likely not going to be the exact color on the box.

Revenge porn...Yes or no?

hXc1g’s Profile PhotohXc1g
I'd guess that 99.9% of the "revenge porn" on the internet is staged. For the actual maliciously posted material, it is totally uncalled for. If I made a sexy time video with a woman, I would not be posting it even if she broke up with me. Even with any of the ex-gf's of mine, I wouldn't release any pic if I had one.

Is it normal to be an adult and still cry when your parents leave? 😢

I've been sad, but I didn't cry. If crying makes you feel better, then cry. Let her cry if the tears fall down like rain
Liked by: hXc1g

Oh, Neo. I thought a man of your discerning tastes would appreciate Letterman videos. :(

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan Then he uses his position of power to have sex with his female employees. In most corporate environments, an affair between managerial types and employees is grounds for dismissal. Since he is the all powerful Dave, CBS keeps him.
Liked by: hXc1g Robin Hood scabs

"Shame about the new girl, I saw her earlier. I thought she was a guy and I was definitely interested in him. But since he's a she...well,I'm not into that stuff." Myself, I'd keep that card deep in my billfold.

I can get into clubs free on ladies night.
Liked by: hXc1g


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