Ask @Neo_gs

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What's your most memorable vacation and why?

As an adult, it was a first trip to an upscale ski area with lodging on the slopes (free place to stay because of my friend's connection). The snowboarding was good with one awesome powder day.
Liked by: Thomas

Why did the media demonize Tim Tebow for kneeling and praying before football games, but now they are praising Kaepernick for disrespecting the National Anthem? Please explain why this is acceptable. Isn't it hypocrisy? Thanks.

It is open season for the secular liberal media to attack Christians. Add to that he is a white male.
Liked by: Thomas

What goes through one's mind the first time they kill? How do they feel afterwards? Is it different the second or third time? If yes, in what ways?

I don't have much thought on this. Some may receive a sense of power doing it.
Liked by: Thomas

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Do you think Tim Tebow is acting childish/spoiled by joining baseball(the Mets) and refusing to take any other positions he was offered in the NFL besides quarterback? Or do you think it's possible he is really determined and refuses to give up? BQ: Why are the Gators so amazing? :p

Was he offered other starting positions on NFL teams? I don't remember. Maybe he just wants to be a starting player. I think Louisville will be the team to watch this season with a potential Heisman QB.
Liked by: Thomas

Why don't we have better candidates for the presidency in this election? Is there no one else brave enough to lead the country? Or should we end the electoral college? Please explain. Thanks. BQ: If you're not from America, what is your advice for Americans?

Most of the smart/rational people don't want such an awful job. With the GOP pick, it seems the voters went for entertainment/shock value (in the early debates) over policy/substance.
Liked by: Thomas

What do you know about the origins of Halloween? When was it first celebrated? How and why was it celebrated? Why did Christians adopt this holiday? BQ: What is cuter? A kitten jumping out of a Jack-o-Lantern or 3 kittens jumping out of a Jack-o-Lantern?

I think it was to scare away evil spirits by dressing to perform such task. I don't know much about the timing/historical dates. BQ: Definitely 3
Liked by: Thomas

GWS Flashback! Why is it popular for women to dress more provocatively on Halloween in America? Is this a form of modern patriarchal oppression?

In every woman there is a "bad girl" wanting to show herself. Halloween is an excuse to do that.
Liked by: Thomas

"Food on other peoples plates always looks tastier". What kind of bullshit quote is this 😂 I pick out my food and enjoy it gloriously tyvm. Probably stab someone w/ a fork if they tried to get mine. 😂😂😂

Note self: be sure to distract you before sneaking food from your plate. Hey Liz, isn't that a stray coyote wandering out the window?
Liked by: Thomas

Why do guys like to fatten their wife/s.o when they prefer a fit woman? I' trying to eat healthy and the husband just texted *do you like tiramisu or chocolate cake?*. Damn, now I'm googling chocolate tiramisu and devouring them visually :(

Which man is happier: the one with a very trim/slender wife who is constantly cranky (because she is always hungry but eats little). OR the one with a slightly chubby wife (yet still appealing) who is pleasant to be around because she enjoys cake sometimes?
Liked by: Thomas

Have you ever pursued someone and found out they were married/in a relationship? A friend (today) messaged some guy on facebook and he asked her if she saw all his pics? He then sent a pic of him with his wife on their wedding day. Lol. I thought it was cute he let her know he's not avaliable.

It can be difficult sometimes to determine if someone online is married. This is why I limit that route to just dating sites.
In person, women have a high tendency to wear wedding rings.
Liked by: Thomas What is your stance on the new law in California making it illegal to breed or keep Orcas in capitivity? BQ: Do you think "Blackfish" was slanderous?

CA likes to ban many things. I'm not sure about this one though. If the were being mistreated, then I understand.
BQ: Don't know what that is...a film?
Liked by: Thomas

Do you expect to have access to your partners phone? Would it bother you if they never let you? Would it bug you if they were always looking through yours? Social media/messaging/phone-wise, how much privacy do you expect in a relationship?

A partner, no. A wife, yes. We would be paying jointly on a family plan account, thus the phones are "ours." I would mainly use her phone out of convenience...mine is at the far end of the house, hers is on the coffee table in front of me and I want to check sports scores.
Liked by: Thomas

Are you concerned with the amount of foods we eat that are loaded with preservatives and who knows what else? BQ: Is it safe to eat at fast food establishments(or any restaurant really) anymore? Or does the possibility of E.Coli, Listeria, etc. keep you away? What about saturated and trans fats?

We should all have a concern about the industrial chemicals that go into our food. This is one thing the millennial gen has changed for the better. They have put their dollars on foods/restaurants that focus on more natural ingredients. In turn, more places are decreasing preservatives to increase revenue.
I'm not too worried about the bacteria issues. It is a small problem considering how many thousands of meals are served to the public each day.
Liked by: Thomas Lizzy Pickles

What are your thoughts on the 9/11 event in the US? Conspiracy or not? Do you know how many buildings actually burned to the ground that day?

Robin Hood
It was an act of terrorism. There was no conspiracy. The "explosions" heard in the towers were molten aluminum hitting water from the sprinklers/broken pipes. One can see orange streams flowing out the building (the molten aluminum).
I don't think any buildings "burned to the ground." The towers collapsed from the extreme metal fatigue of the fires. Only part of the Pentagon was destroyed. One (some) of the nearby NYC buildings fell due to heavy damage (WTC7 maybe). There may have been other fired, but I don't remember damage summary
Liked by: Thomas Lizzy Pickles

Have you ever been a disgruntled customer? What does it take to gruntle you again?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPumpkin Spice Glinda
Yes, but it really varies on the cost/type of service. When the grocery stopped carrying their specialty thai chicken curry soup, I was merely disappointed. The worker just gave some lame reason to make me go away. When my cel service was dropping my calls, I was irate considering I paid over $100 a month for years. The solution offered was not great, but they did give a $150 credit for my inconvenience.
Liked by: Thomas Lizzy Pickles

Which is scarier to watch? Horror movies or the news? BQ: Why is the world so crazy?

The evil that people do makes my skin crawl more than a movie. I saw a forensic file episode where a killer (early 90's) killed prostitutes, cut out their eyeballs, and dumped the bodies in open areas. One was in front of an elementary school.

What is the appropriate thing to say to a vegan or a vegetarian that is shaming you for eating meat? Is there a politically correct way to resolve such a conflict? Please explain. Thanks! :)

While I 've received comments about my various habits and appearance, I haven't encountered a hostile vegan/vegetarian. I suppose a good response goes like this "It is true then, not eating meat makes one cranky and hostile." *they get more furious*. "May I buy you a hamburger to calm you?"

What would the greatest birthday present ever?

Aside from something like winning the lotto or being younger, I'd say spending a holiday weekend with a good friend at a fun location.
Liked by: Thomas

Apparently, I left my phone at Macy's yesterday. Thank gosh they found it and it gives me an excuse to have mall food for lunch today. Lol. But have you ever lost your phone and actually recovered it because of honest people? Happy TGIF everyone! I hope all of you have a fantastic weekend! :)

This happened to me as well. I left the phone in an airport parking shuttle. I called it and an employee answered. They put it on the next shuttle and I retrieved it.
Liked by: Thomas

Inspired by some questions I received. What drives some people to commit hate crimes based on race, religion, gender etc? Can't people have different opinions and respect each others right to live? What makes some humans deranged enough to assault strangers and their babies in public?

There was a recent show on the Science channel talking about the human brain and violence. There are some markers in the brain that lead toward more criminal habits. I don't remember what it was, but the percentage in the general public was low but in that of inmates this brain pattern was seen in higher numbers.
There are some who will lean toward hate/anger just because they feel justified.
Liked by: Lizzy Pickles Thomas

What industries should be more socialized? What industries be should less socialized? For example, it might be beneficial/disadvantageous to have a more private take on the law enforcement industry.

I don't believe much in socialism since it just doesn't work. Look at Cuba or Venezuala where people can't even buy a loaf of bread in a grocery store. There are things that are better socialized than free Just recently a for-profit "college" went under leaving students high-and-dry with no degree and massive debt. Though, there is room for some "free enterprise" in education by holding teachers accountable for their performance and being able to terminate those who are "bad apples."
The military is "socialized" as well. While private contractors can fight wars and do military actions, who do they answer to? Nobody. No UCMJ. No rule of law.
As for law enforcement, they need to have civilians on their shooting review boards...maybe a city council person. I read a stat about Chicago police shootings always being found as "justified." Why? cops are going to sick together and find their peers as justified in shootings>

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Liked by: Thomas

Why is it sociably acceptable to poke fun at Taylor Swift's love life? Why is it okay for male singers to have multiple short term relationships, but not female singers? BQ: Is sexism towards female singers still rampant in 2016?

Let's start off with the answer I would give on YA GS about men/women's casual sex situation.
For a man to obtain casual sex, he needs skills.
For a woman to do the same, she only need be willing.
Now, do we celebrate those with skills or those who just passively achieve something?
As for Swift, she brings much of this stuff on herself. She puts her relationships out there IN HER MUSIC. There is no denying that. Thus, I'm never, ever, ever going to feel sorry about the bad blood she receives for her love life while she continues her same behavior.
Liked by: Thomas


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