
Nora May

Ask @NoraKitties

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Send me questions on Tellonym tellonym.me/LaMasEnvidiadaa (sent this to everybody) i no longer use ask ( no account is needed)

I no longer use Tellonym.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
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Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Send me questions on Tellonym tellonymmeLaMasEnvidiadaa sent this to everybody i
Liked by: Nora May life

Welke supermarkt is het dichtbij je huis?

KYRAAATJEE’s Profile PhotoKyra❤️
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
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Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Welke supermarkt is het dichtbij je huis
Liked by: Nora May life

Wat ga je vandaag / morgen doen?

KYRAAATJEE’s Profile PhotoKyra❤️
Vandaag ga ik alleen nog maar slapen. Morgen ga ik proberen uit te zieken.
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Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wat ga je vandaag  morgen doen

People you may like

Heb je wel eens op een noodknop/ noodrem moet trekken / duwen?

KYRAAATJEE’s Profile PhotoKyra❤️
Gelukkig niet!
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Heb je wel eens op een noodknop noodrem moet trekken  duwen

Wie kijken Nederland tegen Montenegro

lisanneomvlee’s Profile PhotoLisanne Omvlee
Het staat aan maar kijk het niet heel aandachtig.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wie kijken Nederland tegen Montenegro

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Fijn avond

KYRAAATJEE’s Profile PhotoKyra❤️
Dankjewel, jij ook!
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Fijn avond

Heb je ooit een kleurenblind persoon gezien?

Volgens mij wel, maar kan me niet meer herinneren wie dat was. 🤔
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Heb je ooit een kleurenblind persoon gezien

Dan hoor ik het wel wat jullie ervan vinden

Waar hebben we het over?
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Dan hoor ik het wel wat jullie ervan vinden

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Youtube is veel te comfortabel geworden met die dubbele advertenties aan het begin van videos.

Nou inderdaad. En je kan ze vaak ook niet meer skippen. 🙄
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Youtube is veel te comfortabel geworden met die dubbele advertenties aan het
Liked by: Nora May

Alle vragen zijn welkom en vinden jullie het leuk dat ik hier op zit of vinden jullie het raar

lisanneomvlee’s Profile PhotoLisanne Omvlee
Oké! En ehm, geen van beide. Wat is er lief of raar aan?
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Alle vragen zijn welkom en vinden jullie het leuk dat ik hier op zit of vinden

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What is your opinion on the band Coldplay?

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (Only Dutch And English)
It's not my kind of music, but I do think they're very talented!
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
What is your opinion on the band Coldplay

Ik ga nu naar het strand fijne middag mensen

lisanneomvlee’s Profile PhotoLisanne Omvlee
Veel plezier!
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Ik ga nu naar het strand fijne middag mensen

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If you were famous what would you be famous for?

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
Probably, and unfortunately, for my modeling. I much rather be famous for my work with animals. But that doesn't gain nearly as much attention as my modeling.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
If you were famous what would you be famous for

What is the main reason for you to refuse a date?

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
The fact that I'm not interested in dating.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
What is the main reason for you to refuse a date

Wie heeft al pepernoten in huis

lisanneomvlee’s Profile PhotoLisanne Omvlee
Ik nog niet! Had ze 2 maanden geleden wel. 🤣
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wie heeft al pepernoten in huis

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Hey! Wazzup?

Lyda Bondareva
Hi! I'm just playing some Animal Crossing whilst laying sick on the couch.
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Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Hey Wazzup

Wat is je favoriete weekendactiviteit? // What is your favorite weekend activity?

belsammael’s Profile PhotoMark
Playing video games, if I'm not working that is.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wat is je favoriete weekendactiviteit

What is your favorite weekend activity

Denk je dat later (bv als je al getrouwd bent of al babys hebt) nog steeds ask of insta ofzo gaat gebruiken? Social media in het algemeen

Ik heb een baby en gebruik nog steeds al mijn social media. 🤷🏻‍♀️
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Denk je dat later bv als je al getrouwd bent of al babys hebt nog steeds ask of
Liked by: Nora May

Wat is jouw go-to midnights snack?

nn_11125’s Profile PhotoPennyta
Patat of kapsalon. 🤣 Ik ben voor de rest echt geen snacker. Ik lust wel chips ofzo, maar zal het niet snel pakken.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wat is jouw goto midnights snack

Wat mag er niet ontbreken op jouw bureau?

nn_11125’s Profile PhotoPennyta
Mijn pc.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wat mag er niet ontbreken op jouw bureau

وين مشاريعكن اليوم؟

ليس لدي مشاريع اليوم. أنا مريض في السرير.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
وين مشاريعكن اليوم

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Welk moment van de dag is voor jou onmisbaar?

Annvica’s Profile PhotoAnnette
Mijn rust momentje. Wanneer mijn zoontje eindelijk ligt te slapen en ik even iets voor mezelf kan doen.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Welk moment van de dag is voor jou onmisbaar

Warm of koud water

KYRAAATJEE’s Profile PhotoKyra❤️
Warm water.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Warm of koud water

Fijn weekend

KYRAAATJEE’s Profile PhotoKyra❤️
Dankjewel, jij ook een fijn weekend!
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Fijn weekend

متع نظرك 💙🔥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nfjydG2Hk8

No idea what any of that means, so it's a nope from me.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
متع نظرك  httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv8nfjydG2Hk8


Language: English