
Rammah Helles

Ask @OfficialRMMH

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What has life taught you so far?

Chemistry, physics, mathematics, history, geography and all that bullshit until the last year, but now life is teaching me economics, business, entrepreneurship and all that bullshit again !😑

Do you think dogs are really man's best friend?

They used to be, but now everything changed..
Naah joking, dogs are the best creatures in this world

Just someone who is a huge fan of ticklish men. And good looking men at that 😏

So you a man or a girl?

Just a random person. Sorry if I'm bothering you with weird questions.

Haha nope, you're not bothering, i was just wondering😜

Awesome, love the body wings answer!! You ticklish in your armpits also?

Not much, but who's this? 😂🤔

That makes sense. So, where are you most ticklish?

Well, feet and neck , but the most is body wings (stomach sides).😂

I don't think it's unfortunate you are ticklish. It can be fun! Or do you have a bad experience?

Hmm, I said unfortunately because when people know this, they won't stop tickling me, and I like it if it's for seconds , and I hate it if it's too much

How many people do you consider your "best friends?"

People who you think your relation with will never end

What kind of flowers should you give to a girl?

Leave the flowers there to make it more beautiful world


Language: English