
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Do you like when someone give you something?

Yes. I would think everyone does. Some people aren’t too big on gifts, but still accepts it and likes it. I know that no one doesn’t have to give me anything, even my own parents. They do it out the kindness of their heart. That also applies to everyone. No one, including your parents don’t have to give you anything but a roof over your head, food to eat, and and clothes to wear. They don’t have to be name brand either. That’s the only thing they’re obligated to do. All the extra stuff like phones, games, computer, toys, those materialistic stuff. They give you that, because they want to. Not because they have to. If anyone actually feel that their parents are obligated to give them things like that. Especially if you’re and adult. They have completely lost their minds and are extremely selfish.

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Liked by: † Twix †

I want to fist fight this girl bcuz she was trying to flirt with my man. But idk if it worth it or not. Obviously I dont like it when ppl do that. But should I just be the more mature person and not fist fight her? Also can i get arrested for fist fighting her if it happens? Advice please

Yes you can get arrested if they press charges. No just be mature about it. No need to fight no female over any male, period. If he truly down with you. He wouldn’t want any other female.
Liked by: † Twix †

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Do you like to give people advice?

Sometimes. I’m not the best advice giver, but I try to help people that wants advice about what I know from experience myself, or from others.
Liked by: † Twix †

I hate those people who think they’re purpose in life is to try and mold someone. Like how lonely must you be to even think about that and second, the only one who can do that, is God.

Some people can be molded in a sense by the right person. God will only mold you if you want him to and sometimes he’ll put people in your life to do so. That’s why it’s not good to just push people away. Some people are in your life for a certain purpose. Not to hurt you, but help you.
Liked by: † Twix †


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