
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Do you think it's true that we become more and more like our parents as we get older?

It’s not always true. I’m glad it’s not always true, because some parents just don’t need kids. I hope their kids don’t turn out like them.
Liked by: † Twix †

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Do u agree with this quote : “in reality other people liking you is a bonus, liking yourself is the real trick”

More like loving and respecting yourself for me.
Liked by: † Twix †

🙄 Do you like movies based on books?

Some I do. Like the movie “My Sister’s Keeper, Hog Butcher (but, the movie is called Cornbread, Earl, and me,) and biography books, that was turned into a true story movie.
Liked by: † Twix †

When buying eggs, do you open them to see if any has been cracked? If one is cracked what to you do?

Yes I open the carton. I think everyone should. If the eggs are broken, I put them back and get another carton.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you believe in ghosts/ spirts?

I believe in spirits, but not ghosts. A spirit is what people become after leaving earth. God is also a spirit. Angels and demons are too. Ghosts are supposedly dead people that still roam the earth. I believe no such thing. I do believe angels and demons roam this earth and mostly the demons are the ones that got people fooled thinking that it’s a dead person in their house. They’re deceivers. Don’t be fooled.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you think children born today will have better or worse lives than their parents?

MichallaTbh’s Profile PhotoMichalla
Every generation is worse than the other, so their lives just might be worse than their parents. It also depends on how structured they are for the most part. Just like now, living life is hard no matter what generation you’re from. It’s how well balanced and structured you are that can make life a far less pain for you to live. When all hell brakes lose in the future and it’s absolutely nothing that can be done. That’s when you have a serious problem.

Do you think liars have psychological problems?

It depends on how much they lie. If every other word that comes out their mouth is a lie. Yes they have a lying spirit.
Liked by: † Twix †


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