
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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greetings!!!!! Do you count calories or eat whatever you want?

I just eat less calories than I burn. I never count them though. I would eat once a day and for the most part it will be something like two hot pockets for instance. I sometimes skip a day and eat nothing at all. Usually when I pick up weight (like right now. I picked up five pounds.) It’s because I got too carried away with the chips and cookies. Now I’m working on losing these five pounds.
Liked by: † Twix †

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Would you own a pit bull?

Yes. I love Pit Bulls. They’re my favorite breed of dogs. I never owned one, but I was always around them my whole life. They’re really a awesome breed. Yes I met ones that were scared and would bite out of fear. I blame the owners. They would actually raise them that way. Some of them even told me that they raised their Pits to be vicious “guard dogs”. They can be good guard dogs without trying to bite and kill everyone and every other animal they see. Poor dogs being raised by idiots. It’s sad that they have such a bad reputation/stigma. Which is the humans fault that these gorgeous breeds have such a bad rep. I feel just like them dogs, being misunderstood.
Liked by: † Twix †

Agree or disagree: feeling cold is something psychological

It depends on the situation if everyone feels cold. Some people are always cold. Others are always hot. I feel it can be a bit of both physical and psychological. (Like me for instance.) Even though I’m a anemic, I get hot really easily when most people that suffers from anemia don’t, and I will be sweating like crazy when everyone else aren’t. It was always like that with me as far as getting hot really easily. It can be hot to me and a guy that I know will say it feels good out. He likes the heat. He’s always cold. So to me. I think it can be a bit of both psychological and physical.
Liked by: † Twix †

Who actually believes Noah’s ark was real? There’s no way someone built a boat for 120 years and lived for 950 years

I believe it. All things are possible. Doubt is whats wrong with society today and on top of that. That happened over 2,000 years ago. People lived a lot longer back then. People was never supposed to die in the first place, but our “good old sins” broke that plan. Not to mention people were just as creative back then as they are now and the Ark was gigantic, so him doing it by himself was obviously going to take him years and a day to build.
Anyway, I believe it and it’s your choice if you want to believe it, or not. Both of us can’t prove if it’s true, or not. It was rumored that people have found traces of Noah’s Ark as well. Again It’s a rumor. People like to believe only by what they see. My parents taught me to be open minded to all the possibilities rather, or not if they may sound ridiculous and others may not believe it. I was taught to walk by faith and not by sight.

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The future, if all men buy robot women, will it be a beautiful world and why? would you support that?

No I wouldn’t support that. I highly doubt most men would want a robotic woman. Just like most women wouldn’t want a robotic man. It most definitely won’t feel the same let along be the same.
Liked by: † Twix †

Milk, coffee or juice for breakfast?

I rarely eat breakfast. When I do it’s water if it’s something sweet like pancakes, waffles, French toast sticks, or oatmeal if it’s sweet as well. If it’s just a breakfast sandwich, it’s juice.
Liked by: † Twix †

Question: When praying does anybody else get emotional when they feel God's presence? When he cones I can literally feel his embrace. I get so emotional. 😭 flow like a raging river down my face & the volume of 💧is much more than normal & they just won't let up even into an hr afterwards🙏🏽

lmarie7328’s Profile PhotoLynn Marie
Yes, yes, yes! I’m so happy for you!Unfortunately some people don’t want to experience that. It feels good to experience it.
Liked by: † Twix †

need to ask you. 😅 Have you ever had love at first sight?

No. I have had lusts at first sight. Which all people have in my opinion. I don’t believe in love at first sight. I do believe that they do eventually fall in love with one another, but not on the first time of them meeting each other.
Liked by: † Twix †

Apparently when you get standards, people don’t like you. I know it’s not a question but just wanted to share it with y’all. Lol.

Exactly. I feel the same way with certain people in my life. Thank God they’re no longer in my life. They will legit try to bring down your standards. I honestly feel that they feel no one else is worthy, but them and they should get all the attention. So sad.
Liked by: † Twix †

Why do women think it is legal to show any part of the triangle at the pool ? That area is a private part under the law. You should be arrested Sugar.

They won’t get arrested for that unfortunately. Society likes to turn women into objects and list them as just eye candy. Most of these females are falling for it too. Females will always be labeled as sex toys, if they continue to practically walk around naked showing off their breasts and nether regions. If a man was to do that, he’ll instantly get locked up for indecent exposure.
Liked by: † Twix †

Why do people who are part of the lgbtq+ community express themselves as being part of the lgbtq+ community so much?

Mostly their “pride.” Which is a sin in God’s eyes.
Proverbs 11:2 When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.
Proverbs 29:23 A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.
It’s over 100+ verses on pride in the Bible. Those are just a couple. Unfortunately it’s not a good thing to be full of yourself. So to speak. Most people don’t like show offs/boasters. If most people don’t like it. Why would God like it? Don’t mean to get Biblical and you probably don’t care, but it’s just how I feel about the whole situation.
Liked by: † Twix †

So, I’m currently in a predicament. I accidentally plopped into my empty laundry hamper butt-first. I’m sunken all the way in it, with my butt completely stuck, and touching the bottom. I’m lean and toned, so it’s a really tight fit. My hamper’s circular, and metallic. How do I get unstuck? 😣

Are you serious? Call someone to help you out, if there’s no one. Flip the hamper over on its side and you should be able to pull yourself out.
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