
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Is this just me or did yall start receiving questions out of the blue? And do you think they are real or bots?

I was always getting questions, just not this many at once. I’m on here once a day mostly. When I leave and come back the next day. I have over 60 questions. Back in 2013-2015. I hardly got any questions. Sometimes none at all. 2016 till now I was receiving questions, but the past couple days. There’s a plethora of questions. I don’t know what this site is doing.
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Can we biologically extract sharks dna to enhance our immune system.

We can just enhance our immune systems just by consuming natural herbs from the earth.
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The sixth sense or Split

I never seen Split, but I remember loving me some Sixth sense as a kid. Yeah I watched those types of movies as a kid, but it didn’t scare me as much as being around actual people.
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I'm very sad and heartbroken because my cousin Matthew his really good close friend passed away this month in a car crash because he lost control of the car. 💔😭😔

hannahgonzalez2001’s Profile PhotoHannah Gonzalez
I’m sorry to read that. You’ll never get over it. You will always missed them, but you learn to continue to live life. I’m speaking from experience. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my parents. I don’t feel it fades over time either. You just learn to cope, but the emptiness will still be there. I pray God helps you and your brother cope with the lost of his friend, as well as his friend’s family, and to bring joy, and happiness back into y’all’s lives. Stay with friends and family. Talk about your feelings. Stay positive, and please don’t shut down and isolate yourself. God bless you.
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+1 answer Read more

Which decade of music gives you the most nostalgic feelings?

I would say the 60s and 70s, but I wasn’t living back then, so I get no nostalgic feelings from it, but I do enjoy listening to music from that era. I get nostalgic feelings when I listen to it now from when I first listened to it as a kid though, but I do get the most nostalgic feelings when I listen to 90s music.
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does homer simpson wear blue jeans or are his legs painted blue?

He wears blue jeans. In one episode he ripped his jeans and wanted the exact same pair that he already had. He searched and finally found himself a pair from a commercial. He also wears pajamas to bed and there’s a few episodes where he has no pants on at all. Just his tightly whiteys.

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Rich or poor, I dont judge.. shit I've met more "bums" who have a heart of gold... who are you or I to judge? That's right, keep your negative thoughts to yourself and spread love instead :) my point is we are all equal are we not?!

Shelbydelaney’s Profile PhotoShelbyDelaney
People are quick to judge others based off of sight and there’s others on how a person may present themselves, or act. Most people confused people trying to help them as judging also. “Like if I saw a guy stealing from a store. I will tell him that it’s wrong to do that and he can get in trouble with the law, or helping a person over their bad habits like drugs or alcohol and telling them it can kill them.” Stuff like that, and people would call that “judging.” I didn’t say. “I hope you die and burn in hell for stealing, or for doing drugs or alcohol. People should learn the difference and to judge righteously and not just think that a person is no good, because they just don’t look like it, but people judge everyday. Rather if you’re judging yourself based off of clothing, your hair and so on. People judge others off looks all the time. If you’re ugly. They call you ugly. If you’re pretty. They call you pretty. That’s also judging, but no one knows no one else’s heart but God, and we all sin, so no one should judge another person about their sins and they’re living in sin themselves. People judge murders, drug dealers, prostitutes, thieves, child molesters, strippers, I can go on, but God is the true judge when it comes to judging ones heart. People can change and can get help if they choose to, but some don’t want to and want to live a hellish life. At the end of the day though. A person can never judge another person righteously. They don’t want to. That’s why there’s innocent men dead or in jail, because others judged them based off of looks. From the way they dress to the color of their skin. And the ones that’s in jail can’t get a second chance, because people are judging them based off of what they did in the past. Especially if they’re doing right while incarcerated and not killing, trying to kill, and fight others. People get judged based off of faiths/beliefs also. It goes on. People are going to judge. Rather if it’s a good, or a bad judging. The thing is. People shouldn’t throw stones at each other. Other words. Saying they did this thing to someone, so they deserve to die, or go to jail, or suffer. Whatever the case maybe. Even if it’s killing someone, raping, or molesters, because no sin is greater than the other. I can ramble on.

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Hello do you like Instagram?

Hi and I used to love it. Not so much now. I’m still cool with it, but I don’t really post a lot on it like I used to.
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Starbucks or Dunkin If neither type your option

I don’t drink coffee, so I never went to Starbucks. I only go to Dunkin Donuts for donuts, but the people I know that drink coffee. They prefer Dunkin Donuts over Starbucks.
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What is a pet peeve of yours?

People that smack when eating. Guys who leave the toilet seat up. Guys who leaves pee on the toilet. Some girls do too as well as their menstrual blood on it, no it all’s, bossy people, messy people and I mean Messy like people who keeps up drama and I mean actually nasty people. Man I can go on.
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Tips for better sleep?

Krissy Kitten
Some people listen to soft music and ASMR videos on YouTube. Me personally, I have soft gospel music playing in the background and I will play my 3DS or Switch until I get sleepy. I don’t like to force it. I just let it happen. There’s also certain vitamins you can take that your body might be lacking. It will help you sleep and stay asleep longer.
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