
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Dream job??

Either a veterinarian, child therapist, or psychologist, or technologist. I’m still having trouble with what to study for. I’m honestly just going to try all three and see which one I’m more comfortable with.

Which food is better? Mexican or Italian?

I like Mexican food better. Don’t get me wrong though. I like Italian food also, but Mexican food is the food I’ll choose out of the two.
Liked by: † Twix †

I'm about to lose my mind! My fiance barely talks to me and he won't even touched me. He completely blew off when I told him I'm pregnant and I'm feeling so low of myself.

Honestly I think you should call off the wedding and take care of your baby on your own. It seems he’s probably screwing someone else and I honestly wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with someone that’s making me miserable. I would rather be alone. It’s best to end it right now before you do get married and have to go through all the stress and hassle of divorce and or a unhappy life. Y’all can seek a therapist first to help y’all out. If that doesn’t work. Then it’s time to move on. Sometimes we hold on to things that God is actually trying to tear apart. If y’all do break up. take his butt to child support court if he refuses to take care of his child that he made.
Liked by: † Twix †

Want something to eat?

Yeah I do want something to eat. I haven’t eaten yet. I actually want some Chinese food, but I don’t think no one else want any. All they like is pizza. 🙄
Liked by: † Twix †


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