
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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What would be your action plan, if there were no more electricity in the world?

Fire would be my source of light and cooking. Just using nature’s resources will help me cope with not having any electricity. That’s how it was in the beginning. People of today are so spoiled that most would panic and start committing more homicides and suicides. Pretty much how people are now, because of this pandemic. People are idiots to how to actually survive without all this technology. They’re idiots on how to survive this little pandemic. People don’t stay away from each other, don’t wash their hands, and face, (Which I do.) and wear a face mask. Easy things to do and MFs don’t want to do that. People rioting just because they’re obviously “bored.” People can’t get along with each other. Domestic violence went up along with other crimes. People are idiots. Plain and simple. I hope it does be a world power outage. We deserve it, because we’re IDIOTS!

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Liked by: † Twix †

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Wendy's or McDonald's

I haven’t eaten from those restaurants in forever. I heard McDonald’s has really fallen off, but Wendy’s is still poppin’.
Liked by: † Twix †

Can anyone recommend a good bible study book ?

I don’t know any. I mostly google some study Bibles, but you can check your local Bible store or website and see which study Bible are good for you. It’s some study Bible apps as well.

What color do you like to wear the most? Is it your favorite color?

Blue and red are my two favorite colors. I find myself wearing blue more though, because I have so many blue jeans.
Liked by: † Twix †

What companies send you the most spam email?

I hardly get any spam emails. I used to a while back, but I started unsubscribing from them. It took a while, but the spam emails stopped.
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Who’s waiting on new season of walking dead

I’m waiting on a new season of Locke and Key, and Supernatural. I thought The Walking Dead was off the air. I never cared for zombie shows and movies. They’re already walking among us. I call them weed heads or hypes.
Liked by: † Twix †

Tell me am not the only one stressing about the election who wins?

Who ever wins, that’s God’s will. He’s in control of everything. Not saying that it may be a good thing though. God will punish us too. And we deserve it. So I’m not saying who ever win will be a good thing. It may be a bad thing. America is by far the worst country in the world. Other countries hate us. Most Americans hate America. It still amazes me that God hasn’t destroyed this country yet. Thus the reason I can never be God. I have no patience with people and I would’ve wiped out this entire world a long time ago. Anyway. No I’m not stressing. I try not to let things bother me. I did that enough back in the day and it just leads to anxiety and depression. I’ve learn to finally keep a level head about situations like these. When it comes to politicians, they’re all full of crap anyway. The only leader I follow is Christ.

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Liked by: † Twix †

Opinion on marijuana?

People used to be so against it back in the day. Now people believe it’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. It’s said in the good book. Before the end times, what is wrong will be right and right will be wrong. I personally don’t smoke it and I don’t like to be around people that do, manly because it bothers my allergies. Weed to me has turn a lot of these people into hypes. People are killing people over it and them being so high. They react slower than someone who isn’t. They lose their common sense. I honestly don’t see the benefits in it. All I see is people complaining about if they don’t have it. They will lose their minds. That’s obviously not true and people are losing their minds anyway. To me they’re like another form of a junkie. Most people end up getting something more powerful, because now their bodies are immune to weed. They can’t get high off of it anymore. Weed most of the time leads to stronger drugs. I rather have a clear head and have a fast reaction if something was to pop off. Instead of me just sitting, or standing there looking like a complete nut job zombie and get killed.

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Liked by: † Twix †


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