
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Why do women lie and pretend that thier not the only woman in a man's life?

Are they the only woman in that guy’s life? Sometimes they don’t be. It can be the other way around also. A lying, cheating man or woman in a relationship isn’t going to work. It will always be trust issues between the two of them and usually the one that’s making all the cheating accusations towards the other is the one who’s actually doing all the lying and fooling around. All women aren’t lying, cheating, whores. Just like all men isn’t like that. It wouldn’t be right if I said all men are lying, cheating, inconsiderate, self-worshipping, boasting dogs and can none of them be trusted. They’re only good for one thing and that’s to get a good screw. That’s not cool. There’s bad seeds in both the male and female genders. Not just in one gender. Some people are just not good enough to be in a relationship with other people. They’re too wild. They don’t want to settle down. Maybe one day they will. Maybe, but never blame the whole female gender, because you’re grabbing no good ones.

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Liked by: Sk8 † Twix †

What's the best way to apologize?

Say I’m sorry over and over and over again. Do things for them that they don’t expect you to do and just keep saying I’m sorry. It also depends on the severity of what ever you did.
Liked by: † Twix †


Language: English