
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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In October of 2019, Netflix released the first season of a new miniseries called Unnatural Selection. It focuses on recent advances in genome editing and the many moral and ethical dilemmas associated with it?

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Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt (trouble) his neighbor."

John 3:16 KJV says: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
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If you would meet someone in reality from ask fm..what would you tell her? Mayb she can be ur crush.. Or u can..

I wouldn't tell them nothing. I have no crushes on anyone on Ask.fm. Especially not a female. I haven't had a crush on someone since high school.

I sleep on top of my boyfriend is that good x3 i mean he tells me to

Me personally, I never slept with my boyfriend. (Which I only had one.) My boyfriend don't get those privileges. Only my husband has those privileges. I don't mind laying on top of my husband. I find it romantic, but a boyfriend of mine never slept with me in any way, shape, or form. If he wants to lay up with me. He needs to marry me. I feel if I'm good enough to lay up with, than I'm good enough for him to marry. If I always lay up with him and we're not married. He'll never marry me, because he'll feel that he's getting everything he wants from me, so there's no need for him to marry me. I've heard guys that has said that. Their girlfriends be thinking one day he'll pop the question and the guys would just laugh behind their backs and say that they'll never happen. Very few guys would go on ahead and marry, but most don't feel obligated to when their girl is screwing them, laying up with them, and just playing house with them on a day to day basis. Everyone will do what they want to though. I'm just not into that kind of lifestyle. I have very high standards and morels for myself.

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Choose one of the two options and talk about it 1 - Funny position 2 - Embarrassing position👀

I almost always sit sideways In my chairs. That's a funny position. I saw a girl sit in a chair with her feet in it, so that made her legs spread open way too far apart. That was embarrassing even though that wasn't me doing it. I was embarrassed for her and it was disgusting. Not only because she was a girl and she should sit more lady like, she was also a child, which made it more disturbing. She had on jeans, but still. No one wants to look between your legs. Except maybe some sick perv. Her legs were spread way too far apart. She was doing too much. I don't know why her mom didn't tell her to sit properly.
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not getting irritated by exclamations: "Every time I look, you always are in the web"?

This is a exclamation point. (!) You put what you said in air quotes and, or quotation marks. (") Are you annoyed by quotation marks, or exclamation points? I'm confused. 😕🤔😖
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