

Latest answers from Lolnottellingyou

Do you feel loved today?

I woke up to a message where my lover said he truly loves me.
One of my brothers shared some donuts with me.
My mother and I watched some Disney shorts together.
I got to chat with some of my friends on a video call for the first time and they were happy to do so.
My cat spent so much time with me, purring the majoriry of that time.
I feel so unbelievably loved today.

do you like pizza with ranch or am i crazy because i dont think i am for that its GOOD i swear

anna_xcx’s Profile Photoanna elise
Yes!! I don't have it overly often anymore, but it's so good!!

Why did u do that ? There has to be a reason. Why would u betray me like that ? And then give my bed away… how could u ? I did everything I could to make everyday easier for u. How could u do that to me ? Explain and I’ll leave u alone

This has to be for someone else than me, right? LMAOOO

Why tell others to shut up when you’re asking public questions smh

Exactly!! Like what's the point of that?

Language: English