
Ricka Gumboc

Ask @RickaCareyGumboc

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I recently got this girl pregnant, should I just leave?

Thomas1_’s Profile PhotoThomas1_
Omg 😳 why would you think you should leave let me guess you don’t want the child or your too Scared well your a man don’t be a bad guy 😠 stay with the girl don’t be dumb

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I just wanna move back home, fall in love and be happy. Why is that so hard to get?

Sometimes when you go to your home town hehem awkward childhood friends and ect umm do you really wanna hit that again

From 0 to 10, how smart are you?

Well let’s see ask me a better question then I will tell you exactly how smart I am

What activity do today if a newborn child but isn t know what one hour, where nobody knows what games how has anyone over would the devil exists? Bruh what an actual hell is this

unknown_princess1998’s Profile PhotoKoko
Omg 😳 really umm this is a silly question I answer this already


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