
Ricka Gumboc

Ask @RickaCareyGumboc

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How would you like to be remembered??

Well for being like a sister best friend and loves to teach people about life and respect

I think I'm closer to my best friend than they are to me. They often hang out with other people whereas I usually only hang out with them about once a week. I guess my question is, how do I cope with this? I know this is my personal problem, but it still hurts seeing pictures of them with others.

Let me explain this to you and I hope it make sense to your mind your jealous of people being happy with others well maybe your not at there life or leave you think you need to be acting this way dear get your insecurities out of your head and deal with it like a woman or man like I don’t know why it hurts it’s life ok
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I want a law requiring all men to get vasectomies at 18 to protect the men.

Do you know what your talking about? I’m asking Because seems to make a little confusion your saying you want law requiring to get men vasectomies at 18 to protect the men from what exactly?
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