
Ricka Gumboc

Ask @RickaCareyGumboc

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What is your opinion of Marriage?

introgeeky’s Profile PhotoGeekette
To be honest with you
Marriage is a beautiful thing ok
But here is my opinion
When you chose someone that you love for a very long time and he’s the actual one you want to be forever with of course you have to deal with lots of disagreements and lots of happiness but for me it looks completely complicated because there lots of marriages that fall apart because the husband has made bad choices to be with other women and if he has kids I’m ok with that it’s a beautiful thing ?
Liked by: Geekette

What's the best advice your father ever gave you ?

? to tell you the truth I never actually had a father figure in my life as his so called daughter he shows me never get married fast because you never know if your husband loves you ?

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Have you registered to vote? If so, vote independent. Let’s make a real difference and avoid having a communist govt.

Well I’m a Canadian the pemademic is bad you know and I’m no American

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I would not be too fast on being friends because I’m shy

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You know how crazy you sound like why should you care anyway like your complaining that America needs to be single what the hell do you think your talking about ?
No president for next term America needs to b single for awhile to focus on

Do you have that person you talk every day?

Not exactly I don’t have much people to open up to actually ? my life is boring

What lies do you most often tell yourself?

This is a deep question well I tell my self I’m in love with this guy that I try to get him to realize I do love him but no crap I can’t even tell my self he don’t care ??

Would you rather go out for dinner or cook at home?

Umm it’s better to do ether or because sometimes eating at home can be boring so I eat out or just order food

What is the most important thing in a relationship?

Well trust is a first thing and always love each other

what's on your mind?

What’s on my mind hmm ? good question I don’t really know exactly how to tell you ?


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