
Ricka Gumboc

Ask @RickaCareyGumboc

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Are ghosts real? I mean seriously? Like really? My grandfather and my father say they've had experiences with possible spiritual entities. My grandfather said a shadowy figure in a human shape touched him as a teenager. Do you believe in that stuff? Do you know anyone that's had an experience?

hmmm let me see if I can explane it correctly to you if you don't mind hehem well when I was small little girl I thought the under world never exist well for me now it's kinda hard to say that I do I mean ghost are scary and have your father here ther voices it's like a good sprit or a Demond it can sacre you but here is your ancer sir I really do . It's not normal for people to here the ghost voice

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Well long story short I always wanted to be a famuse art person

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If you could name a star in the galaxy what would you name it?

I will name it stargaze well beause it's a nice name

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

I drink hot milk or just put a hot tawool on my head

What's your hair color?

Well it is a long story it's ether light brown or dark black hmm I really don't know

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

Ovisly I love you and of course be a good little dog

There's this Latino girl at my school that acts fidgety when she sees me. She smiles really big and messes with her hair like she's nervous. She is a good looking girl, I want to have her. I've got to have her, I've got to have her. What should I do?

Wow that's for coming to me for advice :) well let me tell you something you should just go with the flow and don't scare her and you need to be nice in a way start being friends ask her what she likes and maybe she will like you the same .alright and you know girls like flowers

What is your favorite type of flower?

I say every single flower in the hole i tier world big or small fluffy smells yummy
Liked by: Aziana

What would you name your first child?

If it was a girl I will name her Lucia but if it boy I say my sons name will be James
Liked by: Aziana

How jealous are you, on a scale of 0 (not) to 10 (extremely)?

To be honest I never been jealous of any one in my life so it's 0

What countries would you travel to if you were to do a world trip?

Hmm go to Hawaii,Italy, Germany uk .


Language: English