@SimonHess#1 🇨🇭


hi ☺️ hab mal eine frage :) Könntest du mal bitte mein alter schätzen ? Ist das profilbild ☺️😉 Über eine ehrliche Antwort wäre ich sehr dankbar ☺️✌🏻

20 🤔

Latest answers from Simon

Who has had an impactful or rewarding impact in your life? How have they changed you or your perspective? (I.e. parent, sibling, friend, pastor, teacher, relative, coach, etc.)

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMaryCeleste
Parents / sibling. They're here if I need help.

What holds people back from pursuing their goals/dreams? What would you tell them to combat this obstacle?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMaryCeleste
Reality. Me I keep looking for an other job but sometimes isn't easy to make the goal.

Was war die längste Zeit, die du im Krankenhaus verbringen musstest?

14 Tage 🏥 dank den netten Hormonen die gesponnen haben.

Mm, let's say you've met an alien, how would your beliefs change? What would you choose to believe from the information given by the media? 🤯🌌

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
If I will met an alien 👽 just the cool one in Shaun the Sheep 😄others are not interesting

Denkst du dir deine Fragen selbst aus? (Wenn du welche stellst) Ich: ja 💁🏼‍♀️😅

babygirlmxi’s Profile PhotoBabygirl
Trotzdem sind alles Shoutouts 💁🏻‍♂️ also ich stelle nur wirklich persönliche Fragen an 1 Person.

Language: English