

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Do you read comic books?

Not too much. I am familiar with some vicariously, but I don't spend any time with them on any regular basis.

I like grits. Cheesy grits are good. There is a famous Cajun recipe called shrimp and grits or grits and pork chop. LOL to be honest I never heard of the grits and pork chop until I got a little older. But yeah shrimp and grits is really good

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
I would try the grits and pork chops, but I can't do shrimp (I've had some bad experiences with sea food in my life). I live in Ohio, so I was an adult before I ever had grits myself.
+1 answer in: “You like girts. Ever had them before? Or have you ever heard of them before? Should check them out.”

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What is your specialty in the kitchen?

I can follow a recipe, but I don't specialize. I'm more cook than chef. Though I am pretty good at cleaning up.

Can you draw???

"Could" might be a better way to put it. Yes, I could at one point. I haven't drawn more than rudimentary floor plans (like, on a napkin or scrap of paper) in many years.

What are the most important advantages of Internet?

Being able to share information across vast distances quickly and accurately.

What fictional character reminds you of yourself?

I haven't come across any individual characters that I think are at all like me, but I have used some as archetypes for personality characteristics of my own.

Do you know how to ride a motorcycle?

Yes, but it's been quite a few years since I did so. And by that I mean, automatic transmissions were an option on most cars at the time but not standard equipment, and no production bikes (except the Honda Goldwing, if I recall) even had an option for an automatic transmission.

Why does the forbidden fruit always taste the sweetest?

It doesn't. It's like the grass being greener on the other side. We want the things we don't have.

Why did you join ask? When?

Because I saw other YouTube people using it and thought I'd check it out. I liked the concept, but I'm not an asked by any means. Now it's most of my twitter interactions. I've been on here for a couple of years now.


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