

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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(Just as a joke. A funny. Nothing more. You don't have to answer.) What is the pettiest thing to take after a breakup? The microwave? All the remotes? All the shoes? The cat? All the chairs? All the forks and spoons? What's your choice for laughs?

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
Maybe something innocuous like the drain plug that may not be noticed right away. I'm not that kind of vindictive, so it would have to be more funny and annoying than hurtful.

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Oh look, that turned into a specific question! But I won't tell you one thing that no one else knows.

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Glazed are the ones I would tend to go for, but I have only had like one or two donuts in the last four years.

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I turn the fan up. They don't often bother me too much.

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Star Wars, because the Force would be real.

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Most of my habits are good ones.

احتاج الى شخص يفهمني ويفهم ما بي .. احتاج الى شخص يفهم صمتي وعزلتي ..

هل حاولت التحدث إلى استشاري أو طبيب نفسي؟ لا أعرف لماذا تشعر بهذه الطريقة ، ولكن في معظم الحالات سيكون بمقدورهم مساعدتك في التعامل مع تلك المشاعر.

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Ask questions at your own risk.

How are you handling the current situation in the world

Overall, fine. It's really helped that I've cut back on my time on social media.


Language: English