

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Name one thing you dream about at night!

Talking to people or going places or doing things. Sometimes all three.

If you could be any fruit, which one would you be?????🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑🍍🍅🍆🌶🌽

I don't want to be a fruit, but maybe a lime.

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If you could some up your day is there anything good or bad you have done yesterday? ⭐️

I worked yesterday, so I did some good.

how can I lose weight?

By not eating as much as you do now. You can also increase your activity level, but diet is a greater factor in long term weight loss. Take your time with it too.

Conduiriez-vous en étant saoul.e ? (Would you drive while being drunk?)

Je l'ai probablement fait quand j'étais plus jeune, mais je ne le ferais plus.

Is there any movie or show you haven't seen and you know most people would be like "What? Have you not seen that!?" if you told them? 😮🎬📺

Yes, probably more than one too.

If you found yourself in wonderland like Alice did, what'd you do there? 🍄🐰♣️

Try to find a way home, probably.

ты когда-нибyдь создавaл/а сценарии в своей голoве, котоpые никoгда не произойдут, но делaют тeбя таким счастливым, что ты продoлжаешь выдумывaть иx?

EmiilyJj’s Profile Photo• MORÉNA •
Нет, но я пытаюсь запустить secnarios для разных ситуаций, чтобы увидеть, как я и другие можем реагировать, чтобы лучше подготовиться к новым или неизвестным ситуациям.
Liked by: • MORÉNA •

10 favorites! 😃 1. Favorite movie? 📽 2. Favorite show? 📺 3. Favorite game? 🎮🎲 4. Favorite color? 🎨 5. Favorite animal? 🐾 6. Favorite fruit? 🍎 7. Favorite dish? 🍝 8. Favorite dessert? 🍰 9. Favorite season? 🌡 10. Favorite holiday? 🎆

See my last answer. :)

10 favorites! 😃 1. Favorite movie? 📽 2. Favorite show? 📺 3. Favorite game? 🎮🎲 4. Favorite color? 🎨 5. Favorite animal? 🐾 6. Favorite fruit? 🍝 7. Favorite dish? 🍎 8. Favorite dessert? 🍰 9. Favorite season? 🌡 10. Favorite holiday? 🎆

These questions are too similar to security questions I might be asked to verify my account somewhere, so I'm gonna pass on this one.

Как привлечь твоё внимание?

Разговор со мной работает довольно хорошо.

Many professors can't explain whether soul exists as such, and if it exists, then what is it and where is it located. Do you think there is soul and if so, where is it located?

The soul isn't a scientific concept, it's a philosophical one. I don't think that a soul, as in the modern theological one, exits. As a substitute term of consciousness, it's likely a process that occurs in the brain.


Language: English