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If someone blames you for something you didn’t do and then leave you and start talking bad about you for no reason what will you do?????????

Depends. I'm not a drama person, and I rarely, if ever, have had this problem. I am capable of defending my actions and mistakes in the work environment, and I never see this behavior in my personal life (and if I did I'd ignore it, likely).

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So what’s up?

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Not necessarily, but following a popular trend because other people are doing it and you're afraid of missing out might indicate a problem with your priorities.

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Set a goal to get it done. Working towards an achievement can help to boost your mood and change your outlook. Make it a priority.

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This is an awkward question. I am always the most important person in a relationship with someone else, but that doesn't mead the other person doesn't usually deserve respect (etc.) from me.

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Tough one. I always default to anime when thinking about animation/cartoons. Bubblegum Crisis is a favorite, so was Tenchi Muyo. I like a lot of other stuff, but favorites are a hard category for me, always. I don't think of things in those terms usually.

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I don't think there is any one thing. It's very situational.

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Yes, I solved one once, properly. I've also solved them by taking them apart and putting it back together (the stickers didn't want to go back on when you peeled them off).

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Try to use what I can to reduce human suffering.

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Saw, Night of 1000 Corpses, and 28 Days Later. Honorable mention to Blair Witch Project.

From Angry Birds, are you more Red, Chuck or Pig?

From the movie/show, I haven't seen it, but I'm probably more Red.

Как ты думаешь, ты совершал ошибку в отношениях, о которой жалеешь ?

Нет, не совсем.


Language: English