

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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🎆🎇🎉🎊🥀✌️🎼Plan for 31st night ??🎼✌️🥀🎊🎉🎇🎆

Staying in, maybe working out. It's just another day to me.

What’s the most annoying piece of clothing your parents made you wear during your childhood?

Jean short overalls with a turtleneck sweater.

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Do you watch football? If you don’t what sports do you like? If you don’t like sports what’s your favorite video games?

xxAmyLovesBVB1xx’s Profile PhotoAmy
I don't really watch football. I'm not a huge team sports person, but I do like power lifting (I'm an amateur power lifter) and strong man. I like FPS and puzzle games, as well as adventure and RPG's.
Liked by: Amy

Old Hindi romantic 💋💋music are cool 👏👏 👏 what do you think about those music 💤💤

I don't listen to it.

Do you agree with the saying that the squeaky wheel gets the grease?

It is that wheel that get the attention. When things work well and as expected, we pay them less mind than when they are not.

What do u prefer , pdf books or paper books ? Whish is better ?!

Paper, given the choice. E-books are more convenient and have some advantages (physical storage space is less, weigh less, can carry many more at one time conveniently) and disadvantages (way easier to loose, more temporal, changes in tech can make then inaccessible at some point), there is an aesthetic to paper that I just prefer (probably a nostalgic one).

More so asking which you would choose/prefer.

Neither. Heaven sounds boring and paradoxical, hell sounds, well, hellish, but I think it would have better people in it. Not that that would matter if you're all too busy being tortured for all eternity. I'll take oblivion over either of those options.
+1 answer in: “6) heaven or hell ?”

Would you walk around Sunset Park neighborhood (Brooklyn) after dark?

If I had to, I suppose I would. Or if I lived there. I don't live there, and I'm not a fan of cities (or areas with high population densities) so I wouldn't be likely to find myself there at all.

Can taste in music change your opinion about a person?

It's possible. Our opinions about people are based, in large part, by our assumptions of that person based on what we do know about them. Musical taste can be a surprise, and cause a significant shift in perception - especially if it's for a genre that we don't prefer.

Movie? What ever miles we put on we can take off .... By driving backwards... Guess that movie ...

Ferris Beuller's Day Off.

I’m kinda into to girls at the same time. Should I go with the tall, green eyed blonde or the shorter, grey eyed brunette? Decisions, decisions...


Do you like talking to complete strangers

I don't have a problem with it. I can and do talk to random people at times.


Language: English