

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Have you ever been madly jealous? What did you do?

Not that I recall. I've dated a couple of people that were, however.

Do you agree with the saying that a problem shared is a problem halved?

No. I get the sentiment, but it's too vague. Like, sharing about my problems might make them easier to deal with, but drawing someone into them seem like it's twice the problem then.

Are you going to watch Mortal Kombat ?

No idea. Right now, I'm not really interested in it, and I was never a fan of the game (I preferred the Street Fighter series).

Do you read newspaper from abroad ?

I don't really read newspapers anymore. I get my news from a variety of sources online.

Do you care about others feeling ?

I care about the outcomes or consequences of people's feelings, not the feelings themselves.

What’s the best place to go to, when you want to be alone and enjoy solitude?

I like being alone, but rarely get to enjoy it.

Have you gotten sick yet this year?

I don't get sick most years, but also not in the last one, that I can recall.

Do you like Dua Lipa ?

I follow her on IG, as she was a suggested account to follow when I set it up, but other than her performing on SNL, I don't know a lot about her.

Would you rather jog with a cool sports watch or cool running shoes?

I'd rather jog with good running shoes than cool ones. Good shoes and cool sports watch would be... more motivation to maybe go jogging.

so it's the latter reason?

There are more than two options. Sometimes it IS just greed, but there are a lot of costs that go into running a building. Taxes are an easy excuse that don't require explanations (typically based on the buildings valuation), but increased labor costs, insurances, material costs, and inflation (in general) can all play into the rent.
+1 answer in: “Are property taxes really that high or are apartment complexes trying to squeeze every dollar out of you?”


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