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Have you ever been on tv?

Dominick Chavez
Yes. I was on local news three times. Once in like 2nd grade and once as an adult at an old job and once, I think, at my current job (that last one I was just in the background).

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in your opinion, what's it like to fall in love?

Walking into a dark room. You have no idea what's in there, how big the room is, or what you are supposed to do in there when you can't see anything. Crazy, scary, exciting and disorienting all at the same time.

If you could be the leader of your country, what would you change?

I would invest heavily in infrastructure, and set up a system of maintenance for the projects that are undertaken for the future. I would also try to build in an adaptive system to keep up with changes in technology that are useful to those projects.

What are 5 things that make you happy and 5 things that make you angry?

Happy (no order): Chocolate, baby mammals, hitting a PR, learning something new, being left alone.
Angry (no order): People who are deliberately wrong, bad actors in dialogue, finding out things I needed to know earlier at the last minute, legitimate threats to my family, hypocrites.

What’s the class you use/used to fall asleep in?

I didn't sleep in class. I liked school. Sometimes lunch and study hall weren't safe from the sandman, however.

Which celebrity would you like to meet?

I don't really care much for celebrities, but I wouldn't mind having coffee with Obama.

What’s the last time you went to a library?

To or in? I dropped off books for my wife a couple years ago. But I haven't been in one in maybe five years.

What do you prefer – listening or talking?

Most of the time, listening. It's been a bit of s bummer for my YouTube channel.

Who hate school more: students or teachers?

Teachers at least hate school for good reasons (those that do hate it). Students might hate it more though.

How many of your friends are vegans/vegetarians?

I know maybe two vegans, one reformed vegan (now a soft vegetarian). I would think that it depends on what you call a vegetarian and what you call a friend. I work with maybe a dozen vegetarians or more.


Language: English