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What was your first paid job?

I stuffed direct mail envelopes for my Dad's insurance business. My first "not working for my dad" job was I worked at a store called Best Products for four hours before taking a job as a "floor associate" at OfficeMax (where I worked for six month or so).

Have you ever had a French fry sandwich?

So, would that have fries in it? - Yes. Just fries? Also yes. Made from fries (instead of bread)? No.

Would you rather quit your idea or stick to it, if everybody is against it?

If my idea is right or good, I am not concerned so much with other people being wrong about it.

what does fear smell like?

It's not a smell, per se, but an intuitive sense based on small (nearly insignificant on their own) cues that people give off.

TRUE for me is the realization that an enormous number of otherwise decent people are willing to believe obvious lies, no matter how ridiculous, as long as the lies validate what they want to be true.

Many people have that problem because they become too emotionally invested in the idea they believe to be "true".

Share something you're grateful for today.

It's January 20th, 2021. Maybe something will change in America today.

Favorite color of clocks

giorgia_fitch16’s Profile PhotoGiorgia Fitch
For analog clocks, I prefer white faces with black numerals (preferably Arabic ones). For digital, I prefer either green LCD or full color LED displays. Though, with a sufficient back light, white numerals on a black background are cool on digital as well.


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