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This boy will be the death of me. We had been flirting back and forth for like 2 and a half months and he asked me to be his gf about 3 weeks ago and I still can’t believe it. I can’t believe that boy is my bf. I like him so much and I can’t stop thinking about him. Idk why or how he likes me haha

Dang...well good luck

You have 7 points. You lose one if: you have ever smoked a cigarette; smoked pot; drank alcohol; runaway; failed a course; cheated on a test; held a real gun. How many do you have left?

4...I remember my dad giving me a tiny bit of beer, I have failed only one course and I think I have cheated on a test

With the way the world is going boys are gonna be wearing makeup. Colors and clothes won't define gender identity or sexuality. People are going to be in relationships with any gender or nongender. Girls will be boys and vice versa. And I'm so here for it!💅

Damn it

[1]Age? _ [2] Fav color? _ [3] Height? _ [4] Single? _ [5] Best Memory? _ [6] Color Underwear right now? _ [7] Last kiss? _ [8] last hug? _ [9] Crush? _ [10] Kisses or Cuddles

1. 16 2. none atm 3. 6 feet 0 inches 4. yep... 5. none 6. Dark blue...😳 7. ptbhhhh...like I remember 8. Same as seven brah 9. none 10. depends on what she wants I guess

So my bf and I have been together about 3 weeks and he’s like perfect. Athletic, smart, hard working, very attractive. And I’m just mediocre. I have no hobbies, I’m not athletic, I’m not attractive. Like how could someone like him, like someone like me. I’m baffled, I don’t deserve him.

I mean you could improve if thats how you feel

Am I the only person who, whe eating popcorn, will bite off all the little nubs until it's just ball/ circular part of the popcorn?😂😂 or am I just weird (I don't do it for every peice)

I mean I don't do that but other people might

Do you know how to play the guitar?

All I know is how to move my finger across the strings like I am playing it


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