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Ask @Someone28149108

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How does your ideal partner look? (All the physical traits of your dream partner)

Well to be honest I would not mind as long as they ain't overweight...sorry

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Should people depend on happiness that depends on other things to exist? Is there anything not dependable in this world (that doesn't depend on other things)?


you just seemed like you didn't enjoy reading that...

Oh no its not that! I said "jeez" because of the thing that happened with the girl and you. I never had that happen to me but it must've sucked. Sorry that you felt as if I was annoyed
+3 answers in: “I'm struggling with something so my way of coping with my problems is by telling strangers 😅 so I really like this girl and I thought she felt the same for me but turns out she actually likes some boy from her school and they seem absolutely perfect together and I don't want to ruin that for them.”

Why do I feel jealous all the time. I don't want to feel this way anymore I just want to have normal friendships with people without me getting too attached and hurting people around me.



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