
Syed Hamza Bin Faisal

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MrScorpiooo’s Profile Photoꌚꂑ꒒ꈼꋊꋖ ꀯꂑꌅꀯ꒒ꈼ
AFTER NIGHT THERE IS DAY : The Quran (93:1-4), referring to the natural phenomenon of succession of day and night gives us a great lesson for our life. It teaches us that in our life there are dark nights and bright mornings, despair and hope, obstacles and ways out. These show that one should not become the victim of frustration by looking only at one’s present. One must be hopeful about the future. The best policy for a person is to work in the present and be sure that someday success will come and bear him aloft.
+1 answer in: “Do you lie?”


Language: English