

Ask @TonyaLuna

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Why do some people bring out the best in us while others bring out the worst in us?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Depends on how smart you and others are like if you’re dumb enough to obey someone dumb then you’re also dumb 😂
Very important to be smart, know what’s good and do what’s right no matter what
Why do some people bring out the best in us while others bring out the worst in

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Which singer has the best voice in your opinion?

badu1234’s Profile PhotoEl Baduíto
There’s lots of good voices but rare for a singer or band to only have good songs and not bad or boring ones 😂

More large amounts of money or long periods of extreme happiness and joy with euphoria ? What would you pick ?

itwasalladream32’s Profile Photoitwasalladream3
I never had either but happiness is more important than money

I feel like anyone who says they don’t like country music hasn’t found their country artist. Country music is comfort music!

Country isn’t the worst genre but not what I normally listen to


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