
Trinh T. T. Nguyen

Ask @TrinhNguyen13

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She's losing everything. Because of you. About to be homeless. She doesn't have a car to sleep in like you did when you lied and used her. She gave you comfort and love. You gave her trauma.

Oh it's just a shoutout.

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Do you really think or believe that I don’t know EVERY little thing you’ve done or said?? Who you’ve talked and flirted with? Who you’ve been with behind my back?? ALL your lies!??


How many pillows you slept with? I do 2 sandwhich head because I dont want to wake up with headaches & that helps, oddly

I used to have 23 pillows, but I reduced it. 8 pillows.
Liked by: iMaxGz♎

It's really easy to trick your stalker...you have 20yr old girl that live behind you take your phone you take hers hAve her play some games you play leave the others at home...can't do mock location app hell see you put that on and voila you have a free day! Yay

Idiot hackers.

Are you glad that I am not obsessed with you?🐜⬇🍷

Jeez that was a weird dream 🤮. That one obsessed dude 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

This my friend is the only beining of my fukeryy stay tuned I got people watching my every move recording me when I bust one. This chick is completely ruining my life.. This is one of the reasons.why I don't fw women. There so inconsiderate then men. Now i see why I would always hangout with guys

Lmaooo why you copyin me?

Always keep in mind everyone is always looking out for #1 No matter how sweet or convincing they are

Makes sense.

He won’t have the same opportunity as you did, but I’ll put in the little extra the way you wanted me to.



Language: English