
Trinh T. T. Nguyen

Ask @TrinhNguyen13

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I kissed my first girl and now I wanna tell everyone! I AM ZE ULTIMATE ALPHA!

congratulations X33
go celebrate XD
small achievements are special too
treat yourself XD

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What are you dreaming about?

had a dream the other day that i was in high school again and everyone was out sitting in the hallway. then i got up and walked but before i even walked i saw the band starting to play @_@. asdfgjk;l hella nostalgia back to high school T _ T
last night in my dream; me and my little brother went to McDonalds and ordered food. XD I then took my drink and said: I don't like soda anymore x33
i have some weird dreams. but those are just some. there's ALOT too many haha :3

How cold is it where you are ?? it’s been freezing lately ?

Texas is gonna get cold this Halloween T _ T.
a little chilly for now.

Do you like shopping? How much time can you spend on this?

I spend my money alot. Like alot alot lol.
But I try not to spend/shop as much anymore x _ x
Learn how to budget down XDD

Do you eat more fruits and vegetables or do you eat more pasta, meat and fatty foods?

I'll eat pasta anyday. fruits is always. and veggies. er... too much meat makes me tired and heavy; @_@ but I eat meat sometimes lol.
Liked by: Izhar
+1 answer Read more

Poor kid: "I have an MP3." * Rich kid: "Oh, yeah? Well, I have an MP4!" * Quiet kid: "*reaches in bag* I have an--" * Everyone: "HOLD UP!!!"

XDDD asdfgjkl; LOL.
Liked by: Izhar

How funny are you?

I'm ..... I don't really talk alot lol . - .
so i don't get why some people think I'm funny :3


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