
Trinh T. T. Nguyen

Ask @TrinhNguyen13

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What gives you happiness in life??

Singing.... or dancing.... or just music in general XD
Idk LOL.
I have alot of hobbies that make me happy.
Bubbletea give life tho XD

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Do you like hard cider?

what's hard cider?? x _ x
I like crown royale <3
Tbh I haven't drank in awhile; been keeping myself clean, cause I needed to limit myself; but yeh.

What are you interested in that most people aren’t?

KPOP .... XD
idk lol.
fashion? :3
there's alot oh wow o _ o
detective/ idk how else to say that :3
tarot. not really.

What should I do if the vehicle won't turn on again after I turn it off, and the butterfly stays open?

What's the butterfly? Huh?

Have you ever knocked a girl like completely out cold in a fight

Nah. But two people I used to be in a dance group with have been in fights tho :3

How would you name your time in school?

eh x _ x.
roller coaster :3 XD
before I moved back to where I originally went to school at the city. uh. I was being cyber bullied at the previous school which was in Mansfield. So I was pretty happy to leave.
So that's why I would say it's like a roller coaster.

are you a fan of ridiculousness

I don't - I mean I've seen a couple episodes of it; I don't watch it that much though :3


Language: English