
Trinh T. T. Nguyen

Ask @TrinhNguyen13

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No i mean who you think this is? I wanna know before i reveal.

Idk someone that clicked on my ask link from facebook? ...
no idea.
oh the crow is cawing again wtf.
I'm probably not guessing right anywayssssss...... .....
who are you? XD
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Or Trin? Trin-Trin? Trinceratops? Trincess Trin?

Trin trin XDDD wtf
My cousin calls me by Trini
Old friend called me Trin-Trin
Another friend called me Trinnifer LOL
Or just call me by the normal Trinh

What are some small things that make you happy?✨

the sky :3
breezy weather
Flowers that give off a really good smell^^
and music

What would you do if one random day an animal starts talking to you in a language you can understand?

I would talk back~
Animals communicate with us in many different waysss :3
They know your feelings too~

do you easily fall in love?

I think ask.fm already knows my answer.
Yes! I do easily fall in love uwu XD
Have a good day!


Language: English