
Trinh T. T. Nguyen

Ask @TrinhNguyen13

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Why do girls think they need makeup?

It's not why they think.
It's because we want to look good for ourselves, or when we feel extra confident XD

If you had a really fluffy Bunny,What would you name it??

I would say "Mocha" cx
That's all I have @_@

Di you are really an inspiration to me i would really like to meet you and spend some time with you i adore you a lot ?you are damn pretty ?

Thanks . _ .

So what do you-(me being a guy) do when you've been rejected by every girl you've ever talked to and now he's in his late 20s?

late 20s ......
I mean we all are working on ourselves in different was to improve ourselves right?
So, I think maybe some self reflection; or let your friends give you more advice on it.

I've been having trouble since I was a teenager but how do most people get a girlfriend?

If you like her just tell her lol.
Shoot her a message with all your feelings inside that paragraph :3
Rejection sucks yes. But it's a lesson learned and it's okay to get rejected sometimes; because there'll be something new after that.
There will always be something good after something bad happens ....
kk bye

You are the cutest thing since Marty McFly had a baby with his hoverboard! :3

Oh what the hecc XD
Thanks hah

Is it okay to meet your SO and just stay inside the car?

erm. I guess? . - .
so sketchy o _ x
As long as it's safe!


Language: English