
Trinh T. T. Nguyen

Ask @TrinhNguyen13

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Should I join the Vietnamese Student Association at my college even though I am not Vietnamese?

Yeah, I’m sure they’ll accept ✨ Idk what it’s like cause I don’t go to college but I’m sure you’ll be good.

What is your strangest story from another country?

Uh @-@
I went to Vietnam with my mom and brother after finishing high school. Annnnnnd one of the days we were traveling cities and ofc it’s kinda dangerous on the streets there so I saw someone injured being carried on something and I panicked ?
I don’t think that’s a strange story but idk @-@.
I don’t have any strange stories haha^^”

If you ever buy tacos, you should use Wikibuy. It's a browser extension that automatically searches for the lowest-priced tacos in town by comparing thousands of taco brands to each other, ensuring you get the best deal on price. No guarantee on quality though.

Oh okay cool cx

So three shows are cancelled due to COVID 19. Do you agree or disagree with shows cancelled due to coronavirus?

@-@ I mean it’s better if we don’t get sick right? But I think you can do an online live/concert or something like that :3. ?
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I hear ya and can appreciate that it's hard for me too I'm scared AF the last one almost killed me but idk whatever I'm done thanks for the convo.

... huh? okay then?...
+2 answers in: “How do you go about letting go of someone who means the world to you but refuses to even acknowledge your existence? What type of person leaves you and has no contact for 4 months and then when your finally starting to see another woman she comes back makes love to you and disappears?”

How do you go about letting go of someone who means the world to you but refuses to even acknowledge your existence? What type of person leaves you and has no contact for 4 months and then when your finally starting to see another woman she comes back makes love to you and disappears?

hfsh4life’s Profile Photohfsh4life
Maybe they’re too shy to approach? Idk. Depending on your situation; cause it’s different for everyone.
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