
Shenzo ❤ Sho ~

Then, sleep position must be modest.💖💖

I sleep on my right side. I have many nightmares, but I know sleep paralysis occurs if you lie on your back, and I do not. I'm not sure why some people sleepwalk, though.
Liked by: Shannon

You should talk with with gf before sleeping.Her memory may reduce nightmare 💖

I give her a goodnight message, and she gives me one. But she is very busy, so I can't expect a whole conversation before bed. Especially because she is too tired for one. My nightmares are usually based around insecurities, so it's a personal problem. :/

Oh I sleep walk haha! It’s been a real problem in our house because I always tried to walk out the front door!

Oh, how did you treat it? That sounds scary, at least it never got as bad as walking on the road or something. :/
Liked by: Aidil_FZ ♦️

It did when I was younger. My Dad installed an insane burglar alarm that notifies my parents if there’s any movement by the doors to outside and then our house is completely gated so I can’t get out even if I get out the front door haha. Therapy has helped but I still do it

Wow, at least they could afford that sort of thing. I wonder if there's medicine for it. I haven't read about what causes it.

For me stress causes it. Usually if I’m in one of my black depressive stages thinking about the past too much. It’s rooted in a need to escape my surroundings at least that what my therapist says haha

Ohhhhh, that makes sense. But if you're sleeping, haven't you already escaped? Through dreams, I mean.

Idk but that’s an interesting thought? Maybe it’s when I have my nightmares of the past that it happens? I never remember but my family always says I move really fast and determined

Hm, that would make sense... but then to treat it, you would have to overcome the past and treat the nightmares. When you have a nightmare, you should imagine a different ending for it, to change the sequence of events. This "resolves" them.

Ya I’ve been trying for years actually. They aren’t as clear as they used to be now I wake up really scared and just knowing what I dreamt about without actually remembering if that makes sense

Yeah, that's happened to me before. :/ It's hard to get rid of nightmares, but I think you have to find closure. That's difficult, too, though.

I think I mostly have closure. I mean I’ve come to terms with what happened and I know it was not anything I did. I’ll never allow him to come near me again but it definitely still affects my every day life and trusting people. Sometimes nightmares make me think too much but mostly I don’t anymore

Of course it was nothing you did. I wonder why you continue to have nightmares... but I think your self-debasing remarks show that it isn't complete closure. I guess that would explain it.

Ya my therapist is trying to get me to work on that. He used to tell me I was worthless and no one would want me anyway so obviously that’s still in my head. I’m a work in progress I guess

That's understandable, progress isn't immediate. It's hard to get over unpleasant things that were said about you and stop believing them. But I have faith in you.

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