
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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I don't because i see guys flirting with you all the time

No matter who flirts with me or claims they like me, my heart will always be Lucas's. there's your answer..

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And does anybody have all that or even close to it? If yes then who?

Yeah in my eyes there is, but it doesn't matter.


Sweet, funny, spontaneous, protective, thinks cute things to make me smile, loving, someone who can be my boyfriend and my best friend. Who can get along with my family, likes hockey and or plays it, and most importantly someone who can deal with all my imperfections and still say they love me at the end of the day.
Liked by: Lucas Stull

Hun don't worry about her. I know what happens I sit with you I know you pretty well. So be happy. You and Luca are so cute and perfect together and I forgive him!!! Love you girly

Dakota Jackson
Thank you, sweetheart. You have no idea how much that means to be. Thank you for being here for me.
Liked by: Dakota Jackson

Who is the person that keeps giving you shit?

I'm not saying the name on ask because I'm not starting shit. I'm honestly so upset right about now that even mentioning the name will make me do something Ill regret so no .

Leave the girl alone already. It's not even your problem you shouldn't be getting so worked up about other people's lives and Nick Is a very nice guy by the way and I'm sure he wouldn't flirtatiously touch Sierra.

Marc Anthony Herrera
^ thank you Marc, I needed that. Thank you thank you.

Ignore that person they r trying to get to you and make you upset so you do something about it and every one knows who they r so you got us on your side

I'm trying so hard, like because I know who it is I'm so beyond livid and just want to knock the person out but I won't, I will not stoop to their level because they're jealous. I won't. They can go fuck themselves cause I'm done answering. I'll just track their computer number through the question and stuff if it continues.
Thanks though (:

I see you guys touching eachother all time you like play fight too it's really annoying and gross like stop hun

HAHAHAH EW, what the hell? Do you NOT know me? Like shut up you're makin yourself look pathetic.
Nick has a girlfriend.
I love Lucas.
I don't even really talk to nick at lunch unless he actually puts input on the conversation that Dakota and summer and I are having.
And he's not my type.
So shut the hell up ✌
You're trying to make me look bad and make Lucas not wanna be with me, and considering only one person calls people 'hun' 24/7 I know who this is.
Get the hell over yourself, you will NEVER have Lucas so stop trying to make others miserable.
Buh bye ✌

You do actually, I see you flirt with guys at school all the time mostly at lunch

That's HILARIOUS, because the only guy that I even SIT with at lunch is Nick. Who Lucas met last night, and there was no issue.
Plus I don't talk to any guys at school. The only ones I talk to is nick at lunch and that's fighting half the time & John when he comes to my table and he moved already, so stop when you don't know shit.

That's a lie you flirt with every guy

I don't actually, but you know everything right? That's why you're on anonymous and not saying it to my face.

Why go for Lucas when he doesn't want you he only wants what's in youre pants

Well it's your not you're..
And y'all act like we don't know each other and we've never dated.
We dated 10 months, I'm pretty sure that's not the reason.


Language: English