
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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Whatever. You wanna believe them? Go right ahead. I know the truth & I know I don't talk shit. Pretty sure I can have more than one friend btw thank ya very much

'Friend' isn't a best friend. You apparently don't understand the definition of one. And you don't need to 'thank me very much' even though you're being sarcastic.
I don't appreciate being called a bitch, I don't appreciate getting yelled at because you decided to use the princess act when I wasn't on your 'side'. And I don't appreciate even hearing it in the hallway, yeah. I walked by an heard it from your mouth while they looked at your phone. So you can take your "friend" and go find someone who will actually believe it.
I'm done.

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Ok, believe the anons.. I'm just a HUGE backstabber & I hate you & I've been pretending & all those texts & talks meant nothing to me. Ha. If you believe them.. Well that shows how much ya trust me.

Yeah. Considering you even told me I'm your 'best friend' then a day later Jenny is, oh and then today Quinton is.
Make up your mind because you're hurting everyone around you and it's not fair to any of us.

Tell me who.. Betcha they're lying. & yeah I know I've been in alotta shit lately. I HAVNT been happy with anyone & I'm not proud of it.

I'm not telling you any names because Im not going to backstab those people by ratting them out. So no, like I told you earlier, I'm not telling you shit. And maybe you should Change yourself because if you don't like who you are, then you're obviously gonna need to change or you'll lose everyone

all she does is talk shit. especially about you.

Yes I know, I've come to realize that.. It hurts considering I've never backstabbed her or lied so whatever ya know?

Ha. Never talked shit about you. & I wasn't.. Someone else was. Not me. BUT THANK YOU FUCKING ANONS FOR BEOG SUCH ASSHOLES & TRYING TO CAUSE IS TO FIGHT BECAUSE IT WORKS. Go find something else to do with your life.

I've had more than one person tell me today that they heard you talking about me because of quinton. And usually I don't believe it, but when I got a smiley face randomly after we said goodbye, I knew you did. What they told me didn't cause a fight, what you had a fit about, did.

Is she your best friend?

Ha, I used to call her that, yes. But apparently I'm not good enough to be in her cliche, so why should she be a best friend when she doesn't act like it, you know?

She always says your a bad friend though

Yeah, because there's other people telling her that. I got a text the other night telling me I'm her closest friend because I know everything, and I'm the only person who's ever seen her bad side along with the good and she appreciates it.
If you call that a bad friend, then I'm terrible.

Why be friends with her when she treats you like a door mat?

To be quite honest, she never used to be like that. Last year our friendship was amazing, but ever since she got certain friends and one boy, she just let it get to her head. All of us are i don't know, ignoring it I guess you could say.

--HELL lately. why do you feel the need to even TRY to make her feel worse? theres no fucking point for it. leave the poor girl the fuck alone. she is BEYOND gorgeous. and you guys? im sure your little mousy looking bitches with nothing better to do with your lives. now if you REALLY want to --

Aw bby<333

you guys seriously need ot shut the fuck up. like seriously? whats the fucking point. do you guys know her how i do? no. do you know what its like to be her? NO so stop your fucking petty ass 'insults' if you really hated her your pussy asses wouldnt be on anon. she has been going through absolute--


The eyeliner is shit and all over the place, the black shit I suppose is shadow looks oily and stupid, and we can all see the lines on you face where you can't blend in the foundation that doesn't even match your skin tone

LOL it's because I've been crying all week, dumb fuck. & good, that's what I was aiming for darling ;3

But your eyes aren't pretty at all and your makeup sucks

Then I guess 192871975 other girls who do the makeup style i do are ugly too.

U know Alexa trusts Jenny more than u?

I saw that earlier, it makes me sad considering she used to say that to me but its okay, whatever she prefers.


Language: English