
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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No they really your boobs aren't big at all so don't start thinking you do

LOLOL, ask my boyfriend, anon. Dumb bitch.

You only make that your picture for the cleavage. That all you ever post. Half your face and then cleavage. It's gross your boobs are small too.

Actually, because it was the only picture I had on my grandmothers computer, I just changed it temporarily. And HAHAHAHHAAH that's funny, I WISH I was small, thanks for the compliment <3

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Cause people told me you guys did and you changed your picture

Who told you that? And oh, I was really upset and couldn't keep looking at it .

To the anons, quit fucking calling Sierra those horrible names. She's honestly one of the nicest and prettiest girls I know! Got a problem with her you get to deal with me. Pussy anons. Sierra I'm sorry everyone's saying this to you/: I'm always here for you and remember that your beautiful!

Myranda Falco
Aww thank you so much Myranda<3
Liked by: Myranda Falco

Exactly. You did nothing wrong. So don't let them do this to you. It's pathetic of them to keep doing this. And I bet they all know that they are so cruel. I just can't wait till they start getting shit so they know how it feels

I don't wish for them to get anything. Two rights don't make a wrong, you know? I've learned that the hard way..

You wouldn't be winning or losing. You're giving them the satisfaction of bullying you. And that just isn't healthy for you

I know, but if I delete it they know they can easily get to me. I've grown up with name calling, it doesn't phase me. It's the fact they hate me SO much, and I don't even know what I did.

I don't know why people are so mean to you... Like you're actually really nice and pretty and nowhere near a skank or hoe or whatever people are calling you. If I were you I would delete your ask.fm. You'll be more peaceful and happy

I honestly dont know, I don't do anything these people are saying. /: thank you though, it means a lot. And I was thinking about it but it would mean letting them win and i wont let them.

Just because Alexa doesn't talk to you every single day you can't be friends?

No? I don't talk to Alexa every day. But just because you don't talk to someone for 2 days doesn't give them the right to just drop you and not tell you. It's really rude & that's not a friend to me. If I feel distant from someone I tell them, not 'guess' were on the same page.

whatever you want to be.. i just thought we were distant recently & you were thinking the same thing

It's been two days, how in the world can I be different!? I can't deal with this right now. I'm sorry. Be whatever you want, you want a friendship then text or call me. Because knowing me I won't do it first, I always forget. We can't be on the same page if you don't discuss the issue with me.

idk what to do. if you still WANT to be friends text me. I'm not gonna chase you if you dont want to anymore

And I'm not going to argue with you everytime you tell someone different than what you tell me. You want to be 'friends' or 'close' friends or whatever else, you're going to have to let me know. Cause I'm sick of being clueless about our friendship.

this isnt a battle? i dont WIN anything. this is just an ISSUE that can be worked out

There's nothing to be worked out, you don't understand that. What I mean by you win, is okay. You're right. You do whatever you please, I give up.


It's so far down. But it doesn't matter, I could care less anymore. You don't wanna be friends or you just wanna be random friends, whatever. You win. Okay?

that you needed time to fogive me! you never said that & im not saying this to be rude I'm being honest

I said it to you on Ask.

i didnt think you wanted to after the fight! like at all.

I told you I needed time to forgive what you said, Alexa. You knew that. You don't just go from that to best friends. People need time. Especially me since I don't believe anyone says anymore.

i didnt think you wanted to be friends!

Just because i haven't texted you since my brothers game on Tuesday? Like that's drastic Alexa.

we barely talk anymore babe.. i thought you were thinking the same thing

We just talked a couple days ago. I've had a lot going on. And you know I don't text people first, but that doesn't mean you just dump me from one level to another. But whatever. It's fine.

tell everyone different? what are you even talking about?

You told me you wanted your best friend back, I've been trying. Then you tell people were just 'close' friends. Then now I'm just a random friend to you, and I know nothing of it until someone was nice enough to let me know. Like you know how hurt that makes me?


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