
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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I'm saying that being friends with alexa over and over after she makes mistakes and treats you bad is not smart. after you become friends again she's just going to do the same thing to you and then the process repeats.

Well that's why this time I told her she lost me. I'm such a pushover I take people back because I love them and don't want to lose them. This time I'm done being treated bad. So we aren't friends.

Did you see what she just said about the best friend?

Lol yeah, do I care? No. Who's asking to be friends with me? She is. I don't need people in my life that treats me like shit. So ✌

Do you know how going back to the same boy that treated you bad is a dumb mistake? Well it's the sane thing with friends too.

What do you mean?

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You still got people on your side girl :)

Aww, you don't have to be its whatever do what you think is right but thank you so much <3 who is this !? :3

R they all lies

I don't lie. I haven't since god knows when. So my part was 100% truth. I don't say crap just for people to feel bad for me.
She's a good person, but she has 'stretched the truth' lately & I guess I don't appreciate when someone lies. So idek. She can lie all she wants. Ill stick to my guns,
I'm at at fault ill admit it. But I'm not. So. Yeah. This whole fiasco is done right here if anyone sends me anymore shit about this I'm deleting it.
So have a good day.

Wasnt this all private?

Yeah. I thought so till she had people call me names, and that's when people need to know what actually happened because I'm not going to sit here and take it

You knw she is the one asking herself n you those q's right?

I'd hope not, but the whole 'likers get a question' thing and her name showed up on it on someone else's page makes me doubt this shit. I want nothing to do with drama. So if you want to discuss it I guess go talk to her.

What about what she said just now?

It's a lie. She told me she was pissed at me because I wouldn't tell her about a conversation I had with quinton. I keep that stuff private between the person saying it, and me who hears it. That's called being a good friend. She threw a fit and after I told her to leave me alone because she called me a bitch because I wasn't 'in this on her side' she said 'we need to talk' and I said I wouldn't talk about quinton with her. And she said "ok." So honestly, you can all stop believing the bullshit she portrays with you. Okay? Okay.

What she do that was SO fucking bad yr not evn gonna forgive her. Talk about a bitch. THAT'S bitchy.

Did I say ill never forgive her? No. I love Alexa, but right now she's changed a lot and I just don't want to deal with it until she calms down over what just happened. When you say someone's your best friend, you don't pick and choose the days they are, right? And when you don't take their side because you do what's right, and they call you names because of it? Is that right? Would you do that to your best friend? No.
I've been there for her since day one, and she has gotten further and further away from me and into someone else's life. She comes back to me when she pleases, and until she realizes I'm not someone she can pick and choose to be friends with, I'd rather not talk. If I'm a bitch for that, then okay. But that's what's right and I'm not asking to be felt bad for, I don't care. But at least know the truth before you start calling people names.

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Ha. She didn't do nythin bad. So stop. Seriously makin ppl feel bad for u is fuckin low. Quit treating Alexa like shit wen she's been nothin but good to u.

LOL, okay. Ask her about yesterday. Then come back & tell me I'm the bitch. Mk? Mk.

God shut up. Lucas didn't do nythin n neither did Alexa. Stop pushin em away. Ur gonna end up with nobody.

19281019 cats will always love me.

quit asking yourself questions. no one even cares , u always complain about your bf

If I asked questions to myself, wouldn't be about Lucas. Fuck ya seeeelf

You're stupid if you are just going to let someone else have him b/c "trust issues"

I know I am, but I've been hurt too many times by people and I'm protecting myself.

It is weird how you have people insulting you and being mean, and then you have people being nice to you and defending you on Alexa's ask

Oh lord, haha. Yeah I don't understand why people insult me, I mean last year was a really tough year so if I was mean to someone, it wasnt intentional and I could understand why I'd get shit for it . This year I've been the nicest to anyone and everyone who's come up to me and talked to me or even just smiled at me. I've changed my ways a lot over the summer, and I'm constantly changing. So I'm glad i have people defending it, it makes me feel like I did something good to deserve that. As for the anon hate, probably just because of Lucas which I don't understand... They can go after him now; so I don't see who they continue to badger me over things, like I'm not sad enough about it.. So yeah.
Thank you to everyone who stands up for me<3
And for the hate, stop okay. Thanks.


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