
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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I don't really wanna give my name out sorry /:

Oh that's fine! If it's cause you don't want me to know you I understand. If it's cause of others, you can always message me on Facebook or something!

I'm really sorry :(( i know the feeling..

It really sucks, doesn't it..?
If you'd like to talk about it, the doors always open.

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Well what made you fall in love with him?

Everything.. how down to earth he was. His smile even though he hates it when his teeth shows, his little giggle he gets when he watches Spongebob and when he tells you he hasn't seen the episode when he has and it makes him giggle all over again. The way he hugged me, I felt safe. Something about him made me attached so much, and it's really hurting to detach myself. I don't know.. just him, he made me fall so hard for him.
Liked by: Lucas Stull

Are you guys going to become friends?

Quite honestly, I don't know. I don't think i can be friends with someone I still love very much. And hearing about everyone else going after him, I can't really bare it all..

How come?

Well because I love him.. and it's not like i wanted to lose him for good. That's the one thing I tried so hard to not let happen.

Did you ever think maybe he doesn't want more amazing moments and maybe you should've just taken that question for what it was worth which is being nice to a girl he USED to love

Hahahah, try again (:
Liked by: Lucas Stull

Jesus Christ you're just obsessed you need to stop it's sickening

HAHAHHAHA OBSESSED WITH WHAT? Omg thanks for making me laugh

Honestly no one fucking cares that you're sick and had to go to the dentist. You think that's Hard? You didn't have my weekend, stop complaining bitch you sound like an ignorant, whiny, stereotypical suburban teenager

I said that's what I thought was the worse of my day. You think you know me and what I go through on a daily basis? No. You wanna have a bad weekend, then talk to someone. Don't bitch at me for something I say on MY ask.
Don't look at my page then. Hop off

I want you to know that everything he says to you is what he says to every girl now. Your nothing but one of them hon.

You know, I could deal with being beyond sick and have to go to the dentist. Honestly, I thought that's the worse today could get. Then this appeared. Thanks anon, for ruining my day even more. ✌

Tbh, You are a really amazing and sweet girl and every moment we had together was amazing.

Lucas Stull
Then you shouldn't of promised me you'd change and then change your mind and ignore me. Maybe then we would of had a lot more amazing times together.

Tbh I don't know you personally, but I love all you're tweets haha. Message me whenever!

Haha aw thanks (: and I definitely will!

If he asked you out would you get back together?

As much as my heart jumps at that idea, no. I wouldn't, not until he gets his act together like i told him from the beginning so I know it's real. He just ignores me now so I'm obviously not important, nor is that so oh well.

Why did you guys even break up?

I found out something and made a comment about it, he flipped out and told me there's no relationship anymore & said he was breaking up with me.


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