
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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Where is the coldest place you have ever been and what was the temperature?

Your mommas vagina & lower than low

Would you prefer to have the power to fly or be invisible?

Be invisible. You can fly and stuff but can't do anything. By being invisible you can watch over people, such as your family & help and stuff

If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

Eh well I want two, really.
I want an anchor on the inside of my wrist, or the words across it saying 'I refuse to sink' I want it because even when an anchor (life) pulls you down; you refuse to go down with it & keep fighting .
&& then I want two birds on my hips with SLZ written next to them, cause birds are peaceful, and free .. And so is my uncle Scott .. So yeah

Nononono i said you had to find me(: I'm also a junior at south if that helps.(: good luck!

Ugh ): well still talk to me .

Have you stopped looking for me? (The anon who made you really happy that one night) have you forgotten already?

I haven't forgotten ! I've been wondering about you !


Language: English