
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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i think you and lucas are cute. and i think you should get married. jussayin:)

Aw thank you.. I hope so one day, but you never know bout how he feels about it! Ahha

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Probss none of my business but I heard you went o with this guy and after u guys had sex u duped him. Is that tru ? I jc and im one of those people who dont believe in rumours so this is why im askin

No that's not true at all! I don't believe in that kind of stuff, plus if I ever were to sleep with someone, they'd have to have my trust & my love. Don't believe everything ya hear :)

Sierra my bb! I just saw this.. No we cant drift! D: im sorry i havnt been abke to text you! My phone was taken! Right now i have no communication with anyone excoet for facebook! Message me whenever & ill get back ti you asbsoon as a can! Love you boo! <3

Alright, love. Ill message you. Love you too bb.

Are you and alexa sangstock still best friends?

Led and I ? I mean yeah we're good friends! We have drifted away a little bit but she's still considered a best friend to me, yes!

How do you know when you're in love?

It's not really something you can explain. I mean I guess it's one of those times where you realize you'd take a bullet for them, that you always wanna be there, always talking to them. Wanting to share every experience together& most of all when you look at other people you thought before were more appealing or whatever , you look at them now @ say forget them, the person I'm with now is the one I want to spend my forever with.
Liked by: Lucas Stull

why do you have to act like you know everything sometimes and you can do no wrong? I'm not trying to be mean but how do you have all that confidence?

I dont actually. I don't know everything, and I know when im wrong. I even tell people if they can prove me wrong then go ahead. I dont put up with b.s. So don't start with me anon.

What would your dream house be like?

Kinda big but not too big.. By the ocean or somewhere where you can see the sunrise and sunset perfectly. I dunno, somewhere you can feel at home as soon as you walk into the door. (:

would you ever be friends with someone who had a great personality but wasnt liked very much because of how they looked? or someone who was very nice but isnt popular?

Well yes of course! Im nice but im not popular..like you dont have to be popular to be my friend :) I like people who are just really nice or a great person to talk to or be around! If that's makes sense! I tried explaining, i didn't wanna be rude and just give you a yes or no answer. && plus for the looks comment, honestly, everyone has something about them! Plus everyone can be beautiful on the outside, just depends if they're beautiful on the inside!

Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?

Omg yes. Maybe it'd finally make my parents see how much I hate meat.

What should a real man be able to do?

Be there for his girl no matter what.
Answer her phone calls whatever time of day it is.
He should be able to apologize to someone just so it doesn't carry out.
He should just be a boyfriend he'd want his daughter to be with, a best friend you can trust & a sibling you can count on, oh and a son you're proud of .

Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

I prefer longish hair, but my only exception is my baby's hair. It looks cute both ways (:


Language: English