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Latest answers from Robbie

Here you go kids. This is what happens when you don't get a good education. You end up in a dead end low paid job.

I’ll be getting 30k a year that’s a lot for a second job ! Don’t think you make that much now leave

Who wakes someone up who is sleeping who works hard to wake up and be screamed at to bring Laundry up !? Why can’t bring her own shit up and do her own laundry??

She does and apparently “ she works to much “she can’t do anything but sit and watch tv or sleep but i work too and am expected to do my laundry hers the cleaning the cooking the shopping and Even getting her drinks and told I don’t do enough for her !!my 5 year old cousin asked me “Robbie why does you mom make you do all the chores and do everything for her and get mad when you don’t “ and even a five year old sees it’s wrong !

Yikes Robbie, I am so sorry to hear how poorly you are treated by your family. I admire you for your perseverance and endeavor and amiability in the face of such hostility. You mentioned that you do not want to burden others with your problems but don't you think you should find someone to speak to?

StephenInd’s Profile PhotoStephen Ind
I have but they don’t do much they give me the meds I need but that’s it .. and Thanks and just when I thought it would be a normal night I
Get screamed at when my mother comes home all because I didn’t bring HER CLOTHES UPSTAIRS To
Her damn room and she wakes me up yelling saying you didn’t do what I asked you have home 7 hours and I’m like yea and I work from 7am -3:30 pm with physical work that leaves me In pain and you really expect me to bring your clothes up after I have to go to work and do your laundry my laundry clean go shopping all because you won’t and When I tell her I’m tired or worn out she doesn’t give a shit how I feel she only cares what I haven’t done for hey ohh and get this she demands 600 dollars Of my first paycheck so yea that’s my whole first paycheck that I can’t have because I apparently owe heR 600 at this point I’m fed up ! I can’t deal with this anymore

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That's what I mean it's not a lot really. That's not a well paid job at all.

It is but tax’s is a part of life so I have to pay tax’s they take the Deduction out of all that before I get my check so it’s actually quite a bit of Money but whatever you say

How come you get paid so low?

That’s a lot I would make 1200 dollars tax’s social security health insurance and state tax comes out u only get 600 dollars and 1200 after 4 weeks

How much are you earning, is it enough to get your own place

Idk it’s 600 dollars a week after tax’s but we get paid every two weeks so In 4 weeks it’s 1200 And so on but I do have some and it will be enough but it will take a long time

You work for the closet factory, now you really are coming out of the closet 😂😂

Fuck you 😒😑we make cabinets and shit to organize closets and homes so it has nothing to do with it a funny middle finger gif

only the strong survive

I was and still am strong but my family is breaking me down riding after I come home from work I do more and more and more and more that they say need done and then I can’t barely get up the next morning only to go to work at 7 have you get up at 6 then from 7am-3:30pm Monday threw Friday then go home screamed at to do more then everyone gets mad and yells and slams shit and then I get yelled at go to bed and repeat that everyday and tell me how you would feel ! I garantee you will not want my life ! my life is hard snd sucks and always has but tbh I put on a face no one sees at this point I’m good at pretending I’m ok and happy and feel content with my life but I’m really not anymore and haven’t been for a while I just keep it in and I still help my family and my friends with stuff they are going through whenever they need someone to talk to or vent or have help I do that whenever and I usually offer it and will do it happily but inside I want to talk to but don’t want to put my shit on others trust me no one what’s the part of me who wants to vent or have all the upset hurt and depressed shit I have bottled up opened to have all that shit come out so tbh try walking in my Shoes trust me I’m strong snd will survive but don’t say this type of shit !

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