
Ali Mohamed

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لو اتخذلت من اشخاص عمرك مافكرت يعملو معاك كده هتتصرف ازاى

كان فيه جمله قرأتها بتقولك
Trusting you is my decision, proving me wrong is your choice
ف الشخص اللي قرر يخذلك ده هو اللي اختار يعمل كده وهو عارف كويس هو بيعمل ايه..
ف ولا تزعل ولا تعمل اي حاجة عاديغير انك تاخد منه المكانه اللي انت كنت مديهاله ده اكتر حاجة هترجع كرامتك تاني..

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عايزة مسلسل اتسحل فيه

فيه مسلسل مفيش ناس كتيرة بتتكلم عليه بس فعلا عظمه وهيشدك من اول موسم وهيخلي عندك فضول جاامد😂
The black list..🖤
حاجة كده عظمه🔥


You know how every once in a while you do something and the little voice inside says ‘There. That’s it. That’s why you’re here’ … and you get a warm glow in your heart because you know it’s true? Do more of that...❤️

Write anything ☁💙

and there will be a time in your life when you'll realise that instead of looking forward to the end of your journey, you should be cherishing the very process of your ride. of course, the destination is important and it's not possible to never daydream of it but i hope you don't spend your life waiting to catch a glimpse of that day. i hope that whatever your journey is like, you come to find some kind of joy in it. i hope that you remember what you were like when you started and the circumstances that made you 'you' today. the bad people, the kindness that a stranger showed you, the warmth from your roommate, the softness of a hug, the uncountable times you cried in a bus listening a song after a heartbreaking day, the amount of ice-creams you ate afterwards while watching your favourite movie— i hope you live every single part of it. not drifting by, but feeling every bit of that intense situation. why? because it's important to remember how you got up there.

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What should I do when someone let me down OR leave me alone without any clarify reasons i'm trying but what about if this person run away from me .. what about if (he/she) didn't want me? My heart was broke .. i'm suffering and i can't talk Why do the people we loved do this? 💔🥺

you never really recover from losing someone. some losses leave you with wounds that rip open in the middle of the night when all you did was lie down with your phone in your hand going through someone else’s timeline.
memories are the hardest to get away from. once they hit, they will leave you untethered. they will leave you sinking into solid ground, they will leave you shaking and gasping for air. except they never leave.
it’s always hard to think about all the things that you could have done, all the things that you should have done, you go back in time a million times hoping you can make it better, but you never can.
in these times please remember, “those who love us never really leave us.” and they know you in ways you don’t even know yourself. they can hear everything, even the things you leave unsaid. they know your emotions, they know your feelings, even when you have them completely hidden.
they have always known how much you loved them and they loved you just the same, even when you missed saying it out loud all those times.
they live on in their most favourite of places – your heart.

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مفيش شبهي فبلدك ههه

الواحد بيبقي نفسه يرد عليهم ويقولهم ده الحمد الله اصلا ان مفيش شبهكم تاني كفاية انتو😂😂😂🤦‍♂️

كل مرة باجي على نفسي وبقول دا غيرهم كلهم وبس ياسيدي برجع السكة من جديد لوحدي وانا قلبي مكسور

ماهو اصل الإنسان مهزأ ومش بيتعلم😂😂🤦‍♂️


nour970201n’s Profile PhotoNour Ali
There is a time things get out of control. You try as usual to fix theses things like you used to do in your intire life. But the moment you know it is too late, it is over. Then you realize there is no time to collapse. You have to go. Nobody can help you. Life has no excuses 👌


Language: English