
Ashraf Shahen

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التفاؤل ليس هبة مجانية، وإنما نتيجة للهبات الحسنة التي قدمتها لنفسك. قال تعالى:(ومن أعرض عن ذكري فإن له معيشة ضنكا ونحشره يوم القيامة أعمى) ـ‗_ღ #صباح #التفاؤل ღ_‗ (^ -^)

IKHLAS22’s Profile Photoإخلاص
صباح الفل
Liked by: Ehab Hosny

how people change ?

change .. it's hard to change even one person ..but if everyone can only not hurt the other people ...in this case you can make some change in the community ... but if you want the real change you must simply do what allah say because allah create us and know everything that makes us happy and safe
Liked by: إخلاص

Do you have any specific long-term goals? What is one and how do you plan on reaching it?

yes i have ....there are 4 keys to reach to any goal ...
1- depend on allah (التوكل علي الله )
2- take all necessary steps (الاخذ بالاسباب)
3- hard work (الاجتهاد)
4- Patience (الصبر)
that is what you need to reach your goal
Liked by: إخلاص

If you were offered a much better job in another city and knew you would, over the years, drift away from your closest friend if you took it, would you go?

i think yes i will go ..... its easy if you know that will make your future better not only you but for your family and your children we must keep them safe and didn't need any thing from other people ...so, in the long term that is a good decision


Language: English